What Gurl???!! Say that again!!!

Hi all of my fellow sister and brother Owls.  This is your kid-leader Owl speaking!!!! *Salute 

mi want to officially thank all of you for supporting me. It's been a really amazing experience to become an official author. Not just a reader anymore, but also an author. Your support on me has been really helpful and encouraging me to move on forward. Before I thought being an author was an easy thing to do, BUT dang it's NOT!!!!!! Being an author means more stress and workload. Sometimes we all get off tract and we forget to focuse on important things in our lives.  So I want to take this time to salute all authors and writers!!! And also salute to all readers for constsntyle showing your support on us. Thank you for being patient on waiting for our updates.  I speak for all authors when I say thank you and we luvz you"ll!!!!! 

I also really wanna show my great appreciation and thankfulness to AsianFanfic staff!!! Without this site I wouldn't have expressed my stories to many people. This site has given me the opportunity to read and see wonderful stories and authors!!! Also this site has introduced me to many Holly Molly  awesome people all over the world!!! Dang i can finally say yes to people when they're asking if I have international friends.  Ill be rolled my shades down and saying dang I have millions. *wink. wink* 


Thank you"ll and its been Dah_owl speaking!!! 

I hope you continue on supporting me!!!! *bow*


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louieistrash #1
This is so random. :))) Hahahaha :D