"How I Met Your Mother" series finale: "MAJOR DISAPPOINTMENT"

Just watched the series finale of my favorite show "How I met your mother" (well not anymore my fav) yesterday.

And to tell you the truth it was the worst finale made so far for any show. I had so many expectations that the ep would be legen...wait for it....dary legendary and would make me cry and guess what I cried but out of disappointment.

I mean what the heck were the writers thinking.

It was horrible. I'm a Barney-Robin (BRo) shipper so I had waited for a long time to see them finally together and trust me I was really happy this whole season cuz it was all about their wedding. I actually cried the moment Barney proposed Robin and when they got married. It was really overwhelming. But it was just a moment of happiness cuz the writers ruined it. In the finale it was revealed that they got divorced only after 3 years of their marriage. That was a major blow to my happiness. 

Not just this, everyone knows that the whole series is about Ted's quest to find the mother of his kids and everybody has been adoring the mother (Tracy). I mean she was perfect for Ted but apparently the writers had to get her dead. I mean we loved the mother. 

What's even more disappointing is that Ted ends up with Robin in the end (i hate the pair). It seems like the story of mother didn't really matter to the writers. Seriously, Ted-Robin not a good pair and whoever has watched the show from the very beginning must know that she was Ted's first choice anyway so what was the point of waiting for nine years to finally reveal it. We didn't even get to know the mother properly. The writers could have ended the show at the point where Ted meets Tracy at the station that would have been better too. But no, they had to add those annoying last minutes of the ep. This is just frustrating how this finale ep of about 40 minutes ruined the whole show. 

The development made by Barney's character in the last few seasons where he gives up on one night stands to seek for a stable relationship was also blown off. It wasn't fair to Barney!!!! C'mon I so wanted Barney and Robin to end up together. Sure the moment where Barney holds his daughter (who he had with a complete stranger) for  the very first time was touching but you know what I didn't actually care. There were so many moments where Barney proved that he had changed and that he really loved Robin but no, the writers had to ruin it.

The return of the "cockamouse" was great but please the finale is still ridiculous.

So, basically the gang was back to where they started from Barney becoming a womanizer again, Ted ending up with Robin and well Marshall and Lily still the same sweet couple. What did we actually get from tuning in for nine years, continuously adoring the show and well the mother who ended up being dead.

Maybe the writers like the "blue french horn" over the "yellow umbrella" a lot, but the whole thing seemed strangely heartless for a show that always wears its big, beating heart right on its sleeve.

The finale totally changed the whole set up of the show from "How I Met Your Mother" to " How I Met Your Mother (dead) And Ended Up With Your Aunt Robin".

All I could say about the ep is that it was really a "MAJOR DISSAPOINTMENT"



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