Guys. I Need Help. (Don't Ignore Me... T_T)

I want to make some money through the net but I don't know what to do.

I'm thinking of making videos on YouTube but I'm shy and I'm not confident.

I'm thinking of doing a blog but then I might not update regularly..

So I don't know what to do.

Can you guys suggest something for me?


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just make a blog
oh yea and introduce me some good blog too
/grins widely
I know some methods but it depends on how old you are and what you are able to do.
Does it have to be through the net? You can get a part time job nearby your home. That's what my friend is doing. :P
Er... I'm not good at this. I would like to to this too but...

Shouldn't you concentrate on your studies first? I know you need you own money but for now, studies is more important. I'm not trying to say you're wrong or being rude here. Just wanna remind you ^^