My Favorite SeBaek Fics

I am bored again. Taking a few days off from writing (maybe idk I'll probably stay up til 4am later just writing lol). I am not so ready to write Holding On and Letting Go because angst and it'll be heartbreaking. Aha. So I just wanna list down some of my favorite SeBaek fics by amazing different authors.

It's not in order.

1. Press Play, Press Stop - myoonjong (livejournal)

  • "I was fine just staring at you." This is a sad one. ;_; It's one of those that I still think about at night as I lay on my bed. I don't know who to blame, but if there is someone to blame I guess it's Sehun. Maybe they should've confessed instead of confessing to other people. At least it ended with us all knowing that Baekhyun still prays for only Sehun, even if he no longer looks at Sehun the way he did before. /sobs/


2. A Little Piece of Heaven - emo_what97 (LJ)

  • This is cute. I love how Baek is a writer and Sehun does end up in Baek's book in the end. It doesn't have a sad ending so yay!


3. Personal Growth - gdgdbaby (LJ)

  • Remix for A Little Piece Of Heaven. It's like a prequel. And I loved the original so I love this too.


4. Things We Should Have Said - mangafanxd (LJ)

  • Sad. Sad. Sad. This goes under the category 'Fics That Had a great impact on me'. But I love it. The way it's written is amazing.


5. Everything Changes - LotusK (AFF)/ lattelotus (LJ)

  • This is one of my most favorites. One of my firsts too. I read it on LJ and it was a two-shot there. ;__; SeBaek is too cute in it. Oh.


6. Six Degrees of Separation - veepzing (LJ)

  • The first ever SeBaek fic I read. And although they didn't exactly end up together, they did mention about trying again. I remember lounging at Starbucks (for wifi) while I read this. I had just started liking SeBaek then and at first I was hesitant because that would be the very first I ever read. But I definitely didn't regret it!! You don't know how much I wanted to go back to that time because when I was reading this I didn't mind BaekYeol and HunHan at all. But I guess I don't care anymore lol. If you haven't read this then you really should. But I think you all have already. I'm probably the newest SeBaek shipper in the world. <3


7. Power Struggle - sunshine-bbaek (AFF)

  • This was the first ever I read and it was oh so good. I reread it at times because feels, you know? ;__; FEELS.


8. Beside You - lordtao (AFF)

  • This was also one of the first fluff I read. It's so cute I cannot handle my feels. :'D 


9. O Hear The Angel Voices - sunshine-bbaek (AFF)

  • This is my favorite. F A V O R I T E. It wasn't very long and not short either. It was perfect. I love Baekhyun's character in this one and I love that feeling in my chest when Sehun got disappointed because Baekhyun had a show at this grand hotel. I love the ending. And I love the (lol). 5 Chapters. Perfect amount of SeBaek in a story. And amazing writer. I do hope her wrist gets well so one day she can gift us all with her amazing SeBaek stories. 


10. Unexpected Confessions - KyungsO-O (AFF)

  • One of the cutest SeBaek ever. Sehun being nervous and all. Perfect. She is writing another one called Take My Hand and it's already one of my favorites. I love her writing even if I just read one story by her, and it's not just cause that I don't ship HunHan but also I don't really read other pairing fics at all. xD 


11. Hyung to Lover - iKitsuNeko (AFF)

  • It's too cute! I love it. ;__; You need to write more SeBaek. Or SeBaekKai. Whatever. Just write more. Lol. I love your writing, awesome.


12. I Need You - Baekhyun-ahlover (AFF)

  • A D O R A B L E. I really like Baekhyun in this. Panic attack is cute but poor Baekki. And they kissed! Update soon.


13. Goodbye 20 - holdthekeys (AFF)

  • I love  this work. It touched my heart. So much that I decided to write a oneshot based on it. I thank holdthekeys (again) for letting me.


14. Won't Give Up On Us - xoxoSolgugi (AFF)

  • One of the cutest SeBaek story! <333


15. My Annoying Neighbor - BaeKrisIDK (AFF)

  • Neighbor SeBaek. Hot SeBaek. I love SeBaek.


16. Dance Practise Can Be Interesting - BaeKrisIDK (AFF)

  • Let's just say I reread this more times than one. 


17. Reminders - AnExotic_BabyBullet (AFF)

  • Possessive Sehun. *-* The feels. I really am waiting for the sequel, and I hope there will be. xD


That's about it. I think there are others but I don't remember them. I DO HOPE THERE WILL BE MORE. I just saw ohfriability adding another one, and so did KyungsO-O. I am waiting patiently. As patient as I could be. Lol. I'm not a patient person and only my family knows that because they've lived with me for almost 19 years now. Lol. Anyway. See you soon.


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bringnse-xsebaek #1
Whoooot I'm number ten xD ahahaha I'm really glad you think it's cute and sterf.
Nooo what if it doesn't turn out good D:
Aw thanks Chingu! I'm updating more today and I'm working on more chapters right now :D <3
wow there's my name lol XD thankseu bby~!
Thanks for rec'ing Everything Changes! Hugs
Well yeahhh I'm still at Chanyeol's part :D I did Sehun's but there's supposed to be more sooooooooo

A Little Piece of Heaven <3 my avenged sevenfold feels coming
I'M IN THIS?! OMG!! THANK YOUU! ♡ I'll be sure to write more. Lol. And I got one Sebaek drabble in my computer and its sequel is in my phone. Heh. I'll post it after I'm done with my Chanbaek fic :3