uality Debate. Please comment below.

Sorry for the non-kpop thing

So I was texting one of my friends. I told her that I always wanted a gay best friend. And whenever I bring up the subject of any homoual in general, she starts getting hostile. So I asked her if she had a problem with them and she said yes. Then we started debating about it. My friend said how she thinks it's wrong because God created man and woman together, not man and man, or woman and woman.

Honestly, I hate when people bring that up and I'm kind of really annoyed by it. I know that in Roman Catholicism, God created man and woman to be together and reproduce. But it's also true that God created people in His image and in His likeness. He also created a certain destiny for people. If that's what my religion believes, then don't you think that God made people to be homouals for a reason?

If you couldn't tell, I'm pro-homouals. I support them and their soulmates and all power to them. I don't want haters to get to their minds.

So, I just want to know what do you guys think on here? Even if you don't have a religion, I wanna know what you think about homouals.

Comment below~


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klienchoung #1
I don't care if you're gay lesbian transgender biual or whatever. However I am Catholic and I do believ it's wrong since it was adam and eve in the bible. But then you can't stop your hearts where they want to go..if you truly loved someone you would accept them for what they are. Plus gay guys have amazing fashion sense like. it's amazing!! ♥♡ I have a gay friend it doesn't bother me.. I mean I get inappropriate images about gay relationships but you can't blame me. I read too many fan fics o.o .... lol it's not like I have a problem with gay guys bc they hit on guys. I don't have a problem with lesbians or dikes either. Just don't hit on me. Lol you see what I'm trying to say though right?
baekrishann #2
in our country..two men get married lol xD
Me personally I stay out of this hot Topic. My uncle are gay and don't get me wrong I love them to death! I also have Gay friends. Do I support it? no I do not, I was raised in An Assemblies of God church and I still to this day attend church, but that doesn't mean I see a Human Being different from one another and judge them for something that I have no business in, we are all God's children one way or another, But it isn't my business or obligation to tell someone if it is wrong or not. Everyone is going to do what they want to do. So why fight it honestly! let people be to do what people will, and if we stayed out of every ones business we would never have to worry about these around about debates.
What I think is that homoual people, are still just normal people in love. There's nothing different about them. Even though I am Catholic, I still support the LGBT community.
And as for your friend, I guess it's just her opinion about it, not everyone is gonna accept it, is it bad, sorta, but not a lot. Of course, they don't believe in human equality if they don't like homoual people, that's always what I say to people.
So, what I'm trying to say here is just don't try to make her un-comfortable about talking about homouals, it does make people un-comfortable if they don't accept it.
My best friend since 2nd grade told me she was gay. Like i told her if thats what she want to do then go for it. If being gay makes you happy then im cool with it. I support the gays cause they are happy and they know what they like.
well im personally cool with homouals or any of the lgbtq community. i think they have the right to be with anyone regardless of their gender. happiness matters the most.
there's nothing wrong with being homoual, if anything it's kind of a good thing, since those people can't have kids together, they can adopt kids and those kids can finally have a home and parents who love them. and if anyone makes fun of them for that, they can to say "my parents chose me, but your parents had to keep you" and we should think about it this way: if the world was created homoual and being you 'straight' was unaccepted, how would you feel? that's just my opinion though
I don't think that anything is wrong with homouals because they are also just people: they have there own choices in life and this is one of them
So we should just let them be, its not our business
that's my opinion
Have you heard about tennessee and their new law against lgbts?