Reason I Haven't Updated

Hey everyone, I hope all my subs see this. The following is the reason I have no updated "Just A Game" in almost three days.


Tuesday night, I suffered from a severe panic attack, I've never had one before in my life. It lasted about three hours, and I wanted to call my dad, but he was working. So, I toughed it out. Then, Wednesday, I had another. I wasn't able to breathe, and my heart was racing.

So, I went to the emergency room. When I got in there, my pulse rate was 150. Which is NOT good. They "Admitted" me sort of. They drew blood (pricked my FIVE FREAKIN TIMES!!!), then finally got an iv in and gave me adavan (an anti-axiety med, and then forced fluids). I also had x-rays and a urine test.
Everything appeared normal. But they made me take some other medicine that would help slow my heart rate. They wouldn't let me leave until my pulse rate was below 120.
I was there for a good 6 hours or so.
Had to go back today for an echo cardiogram. Everything from that appeared fine.
I've been prescribed xanax, and also they found an infection or something so I'm taking amoxicillin as well.
The wrist where I had my iv is VERY VERY sore. So it's hard to even type. I may take a few days so I can rest and get myself back on track.
Am still having trouble breathing. No idea why.
My dad got me a vaporizer, gonna hope this helps.
Hope you can all be understanding.


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