Aprils Fools!

Apirl Fools!!! Haha lol it's that time of year again ;) I am a pranking master! Haha but sometimes it goes to far :P did you guys hears what happened to Hyoyeon?! Lol what a short-tempered friend she has :O Haha so what are you guys gonna do for April fools? Or who fooled ya? ;) 


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Hahah I got paint on my clothes xD Such friends I have :D and 3 guys confessed ;A; but they weren't joking -...;...-
Its my friends birthday~
fyehxn #3
I fooled them because they actually forgot today is the day XD
Was thinking of confessing to the person I like and if they had no interest in me, I'd laugh at them and tell them “April Fools” but said person didn't come over today so I couldn't orz