Update on my fanfic writing career + New fic chaptered in the works

Wow, it's been a long time, hasn't it? Well, here I am! I don't really know if anyone's really reading this, but whatever. I need to blab somewhere.

So, as you can see, I'm really not all that active here on AFF, which I'm a bit sad about. I have a oneshot story and a dead fanfic review and graphic shop on here, so all in all, not much at all. If anyone's interested, I'll give away my UKISS themed review shop to anyone who wants to run it and send all the graphics used. But if not, I might just close and unlist it or set it as a "Draft" in case I ever want to come back to it again. I'm just too busy to take care of the review/graphic shop. If you were waiting for a review from my shop, I'm REALLY sorry.

I'm also too busy to write. I have a bunch of stories planned out, but not much free time to write them. But I do in a matter of fact, have one looooong and intricate(ish) story in the works. A UKISS zombie apocalypse fic! Yay!

I've been thinking about this story and what's going to happen for a long time now, and today I spent a lot of time fully planning it out and putting together a sort of chapter outline and a bunch of other ideas. Based on my outline, it should be around 40+ chapters long. Holy , I know. Pretty damn long, right? As an inexperienced fanfic writer, it's a huuuge project to take on, but I'm a bit excited.

The outline still needs a lot of work, but it will soon be planned out and good to be used for me to write out my chapters! If you're curious about the premise of the story, it's basically revolves around all the members, but focuses a little more on Soohyun. It going to be written in a first-person point of view, and it's going to be a quite serious zombie apocalypse fanfic, aside from what I read (mostly kick- action-based stories). I'm going to try to put a lot of emphasis on the emotional aspect because quite frankly, I think dealing with a zombie apocalypse isn't a walk in a park at all. Based on my experience, I hope I can pull it off.


Ahhh, so many ideas floating around. I just need to properly put them down on paper and make it work.

Wish me luck~!


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