It's sad to say that, The Walking Dead Season 4, Has ended yesterday. The season finale was so AWESOME. But the cliffhanger is just so....urgh! Finally, Daryl joined Rick's group again! Badass Rick is so awesome but....umm....I don't know how to explain. The bad group Daryl joined tried to kill Rick, Michonne, Carl and Daryl. But Rick snapped when that fat guy was on top of Carl and messed with him. Rick got mad so he punched the group leader but the leader kept punching him back and Rick had just recovered from his injury so he was weak at that time. He had no choice but to bit that guy on the neck and he died. The others were shocked and the bad guys were caught off-guard so they killed them all. I'm really thankful that they're still alive but the people at Terminus locked them. And I bet they're planning to cook Rick. But Rick found Maggie and the gang being locked there too! And Rick's last words was really cool!

He said, "They're screwing with the wrong people," and BOOM! It ended just like that. Cliffhanger Grrr.

The Walking Dead Season 5 will return at October ♥ 6 more months :') I hope I will survive.


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