tagged by blueberrygurl, awethomest and nastyzebra

NastyZebra's questions:


1# do you only ship Taoris?


Nope i ship Kray too!


2# do you like seeing horror movies? (you already know how terrefied I'm of it Xp)


Noooooo!!!!!! I never watch any!!!!


3# do you prefer coffee or tea?


Green tea


4# what are your non-Korean favorite artists?


Adam young, katy perry and bruno mars


5# do you like orange? (it's my least favorite color, I kind of hate it...)


Uh.....yeah! I like orange!


. 6# you would rather be famous and lonely or a completely normal life?


Normal life with park jimin!<3


. 7# What would you say if you has the opportunity of talking to Exo? Which member would you talk to?


IDK i wanna talk to all 12 and ask thm to marry me!


.. 8# do you consider have a career as a novelist or do you have another thing in mind?


I have the talent for being a lawyer but the zest for being a novelist!


9# which one of your fanfic  sis your favorite or you enjoyed the most writttinf?

My fav fanfic is Office antics!

10# do you have sibling or if you dont would you like to have some? (I have a twin sister and two oppas!)

I have any older sis!!!! And two cousin brothers who i am very close to!

11# do you like animals? Have any pet?

I love animals! Especially dogs!!!! Sadly no, my grampa doesnt like pets T_T




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Haha.......How much time does it take to remember those Questions?????......lol......and btw I like horror movies.... :)