Random Facts About Me :) (lol im so bored ;-;)

LOL I'm really bored so imma tell you about myself :D


-Im Filipino

-Im in love with an (who is trying to change)

-Wiccan )O(

-Krispy Lays <3



-obsessed with the color red

-if i became friends with you in real life you would call me mean   :p

-I want to go to Oxford Uni. (lol not happening)

-MAJOR J-rock fan

-visual kei <3

-I want a boyfriend

-I love KFC

-I want to be a history proffessor

-I have a fat  dog that is absolutely adorbs

-I have a cousin who made 3 acc on AFF cuz she forgot her password

-Right now i am supposed to be doing homework

-I hate homework

-Im trying to get over my crush of 8 and a half years

-I can be a fluffy mochi or a PMSing , depends on my mood

-I hate tomatoes with a passion
-I love gardening

-I have a step bro on AFF

-I have a bff/neighbor on AFF

-I love my AFF friends and family

- I honestly dont give a flying about some things

-I want to learn mixed martial arts


LOL so this is me :D


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Marshmallowfluffland #1
Wellll I'm sorry if I'm forgetful as lay
bcelestte #2
Omg I loooove and so does my cousin we fangirl every time and yea im supposed to be doing homework also lol :p
So I love TOOO. I love Haehyuk and Yunjae and DBS5K. I love KFC and I can be a pmsing b1tch too. I also love my AFF family and honestly I want to learn boxing *break the nose of people who hate *. I love j-rock too. Oh and I am an atheist.
'I have a cousin who made 3 acc on AFF cuz she forgot her password'

She's totally like me lol
kpopluvr27 #5
AN ?! It's a good thing he's trying to change then. 8 and a half years is a long time...HWAITING!

. . . !

I hate raw tomatoes by themselves with a passion.


Homework? Homework can go itself!

KFC!!! I'm addicted to their 20 piece hotwings. ing love those!

Oxford Uni? Not a chance (for me)

I think I would like to be friends with you in real life :D
8 and the half fking years ._. are you serious? O.o and, who likes homework? oh i actually have 3 accounts on aff and i'm active xD
Love and DBSK and the color red and love my AFF families and I to don't give a flying duck about anything
You are so different from me! I really do not like so ing much! But, it doesn't matter if we're different ♡ *giggles*
TaiShanNiangNiang #9
Good! >< People say I'm mean, too - but that's just because my sense of humor is so sublime - hahaha.
MMA is cool - Peechai knows Tae Kwan Do and some Muai Thai.
So does no tomatoes mean no pizza, spaghetti, or ketchup? It's okay, I won't go near asparagus or brussels sprouts.
I think there may be three people in my whole state that are on AFF and no one I know in the outside world.