Haven't cried in a long time ...

I hadn't cried in a long time. 

Well, especially for academic viewpoints.

it's so frustrating.

so our academic leader/teacher told us to rush and click for our courses. Something quite stupid of the school is this--we have 8 precalculus and one AP Calculus AB class; total of 9 classes. The form offer has 6 classes, 2 already occupied by AP Calculus AB and BC. And so, the really crazy thing is the school "actually" believes that 8 classes of about 20 people can fit into 4 classes of 20 people? You must be joking.


next the academic teacher told us last week that if we couldn't get the courses we want, we had two options: one, leave the block blank; two, fill in other random choices and tell the academic adviser on Monday.


and so I did on Monday. And you know what?

she said this: hmm you're not on the list. That means you selected your classes. 

Me: but you told us we could tell you last week to either choose random courses or leave it blank.


And you know what she freakin said?! 


She said: I "told" you only to leave blank, see me on Wednesday. Then she added another phrase: you usually listen to instructions well, I don't know why you couldn't this time.


i was literally raging and crying at the same time. I felt super frustrated. What the hell of rights does she have to lecture me like that? Especially when she "word by word" told me those options? Oh and now being hypocritical about it?! I seriously couldn't keep my cool....


imma go cry in the corner now T__T


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Excuse me
She clearly doesn't know you well enough if she's THAT disappointed in you for this ONE TIME where you didn't understand the directions.
-snaps at the lady-
What in the world... If she did that anyone else, you guys could always gather a group up for the people that also got rejected. It's quite wrong for your advisor to do that... :(

Feel better though! Remember that although school is a big stepping stone in life, even if you /think/ you fell behind others, you haven't. You can always catch up. But it's not a race either. :) take your time and think it through. I'm sure you'll be fine.
*goes and slaps whoever made you upset*