tagged by kyunAddicts

1. Black and White or somewhere in between?


Both black and white!


2. Free spirited or Self conscious?


Little bit of both, to be honest.


3. Do you believe in ghosts?


I don’t but i still get super scared while watching horror movies.


4. Your bias groups and your bias(s) in those groups.


EXOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! My biases are Jongin, Kyungsoo and Yixing!


Girls Generation! These days my bias is tiffany i guess.


F(x) Amberrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!


SHINee Oneeeew~


Super junior KYUHYUN


5. Your strange/frightening/weird experience that you totally didn't expect.


I think it was that one time when i saw a shadow and got convinced that it’s a ghost. And the worst part was that it was 3 at night. It was obviously hallucination but it was literally walking so that freaked me out. At times human mind is too creative for its own good. Does this even answer your question?


And that near death amusement park incident. I don’t remember it clearly but It was so final destination-ish just ew.


6. Do you think EXO would look good if all of them turned blonde? if not then who all wouldn't?


They have been experimented with enough times to prove that they look good with any damn hair colour but i like dark brown hair on Jongin, Joonmyun, Yixing and Chanyeol!


7. Do think that Luhan and Sehun look alike(sometimes)?


At times yeah.


8. Which performing art do you prefer more? Singing/Dancing/Playing instruments/Others(if your answer is others then tell me the specific one)


ALL OF THEM!!!!!! But what really matters is how good i’m at it. And honestly i’m pathetic at singing and dancing. Can i say painting? I mean i do the on-the-spot stuff in school assemblies right?


9. Your favourite in-word: Yehet/Ohorat/Kkaeb-song?


Oh my fave is yehet!


No its KKAEBSONG! I was just kkaebsonging you.




10. What do you wish to be in your next birth or if you were reborn what do you want to be reborn as?


A phoenix! 


11. A fact about yourself:


Ahh you know most of the things so...um...my favourite movie is Real Steel (youbetterwatchitsoonkyunAddictsimgonnacrosscheck)





1. Orange or yellow?

2. Black and orange or white and orange?

3. Your favourite mutant powers? (if you haven't seen any of the movies then just make something up lol. btw, these days my favourite is Wade Wilson's sword fighting power. he freakin deflects bullets!)

4. Who do you think is the best artist in Exo? (as in drawing)

5. Favourite SHINee song?

6. No internet + full battery OR Internet + little battery? (yeah i know i made a poll on this but i wanna know what you'd answer)

7. Whose voice do you like the most in girls generation?

8. Do you think little kids are annoying?

9. Favourite genre? 

10. What would you do with your exo 'growl' album?   A) you keep it in the showcase forever "its to precious" B)  you tear out the pages when you're angry (as chanyeol once suggested) C) you flip through it at least once a day.

11. What's up?




achie, angela, dradradradradradra, chi, costy, nessa, tami, tanzi/twinzi/twiniewinie/tanvamp/tanzombi/tanny, yanyanie!

sorry guys don't kill me!!!







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