
I really wonder whether I am a fake...

Sometimes,  I laugh, get high and go crazy when I am sad.  Sometimes,  I laugh, get high and go crazy when I am happy.

Sometimes I am a very nice person. Sometimes I become a total .

Sometimes I think I know myself. But my mother says that I am acting abnormal, when I as though I am acting normal.

My offline friends say my online life is fun. But my online friends think that my offline life is fun. I think my life is not fun. At all.

Sometimes, I look at the things I wrote and did the week before and ask myself:  who is the world was that?. And I will act 'normally'
The following  week, I will look at the things I wrote and did the previous week and ask myself again: who the hell was that last week?

When I am sick, I feel as though I am on top of the world but when I feel okay, I feel as though life has hit rock bottom.

When I am sincere people think I am sarcastic. When I am sarcastic people think I am sincere. Aish...i should just shut up, shouldn't I?

I want to be a doctor when I grow up but I also want to be a counsellor or a psychologist.  (To be honest I would rather be a mother..but being a mother is not a job)

Sometimes I just love paperwork and the computer screen. But sometimes I just want to get out and meet people or the nature.

Sometimes I am like a second mother to my brother sometimes I am his worst nightmare.

I am overflowing with love and compassion for my relatives at times sometimes i don't even want to look at them or greet them.

I never really gave a about this until saw my classmate(mortal enemy) yesterday and she asked me whether I was still a fake or i had found my true self yet. 

Well your enemy knows you better than your friend. 

That really set me thinking about my life. I never thought that i was a fake, maybe I am living in denial.

But if my enemy found me a fake that means there is something fake about me isn't it?

So am I a fake?



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jiyonglurver #1
Everyone's fake in some way or another, that's why this world isn't as nice or rosy as it seems. But whatever it is, being fake is sometimes part of a person, it's part of their personality and nature so don't worry too much about it :)
If (and i say IF) you're fake, the whole world is fake too.
That simply means that you're human.
I feel the same sometimes (most of the time.) And i do think of myself of fake.
People come to tell me that my smile is real, but i know that it's fake.
My fake smile is the most true you'll never see.
And nobody would know if i don't say it.
So i let them think that my smile is true.
That's just an exemple, but i do think that all my life is a long play, where the most... fake win.
Even when i show my real self, people doesn't understand why i'm not my usual bubbly self.
So don't look down upon yourself, or think you're fake.
You know when you're sincere, and that's all that count.
Even if your enemy found you fake. This person is your enemy for a reason, no ?
So don't take this words at heart.
Better take those things lightly, and laugh them off.
Find your own way to express yourself.
If you think you're fake, you're the only one who will really know if you are or not...
no your not fake your young and your human all the things you have expressed is what you go through in life to discover who it is you want to be so don't put to much stock in some thing an enemy says about you because they are in the same boat. without these experiences you would be considered perfect and no one is perfect it is are flaws and are experiences that make us unique individuals so embrace who you are and don't doubt yourself....