Fanfic survey (stolen from DragonTopsThePanda)

State your fanfiction pen name.

emzybbz  - (for one shots, reading and being a social butterfly (lol no.))
aegyo-angels - (for writing actual fics)


Are you more of a reader or a writer?

I do both ^^


When did you first start reading/writing fanfiction?

The first one I ever wrote was an apollo 3 one in about 2012 I wrote 3 chapters and didn't publish it. They made a comeback so now me and my chingu are finishing it and then I'm translating it into a Royal Pirates fic for here ^^ :3 woop woop


What’s the first fanfiction you ever read/wrote? What is it about?

The first I ever read... idk I think and I mean think it was about Greyson Chance... It was on wattpad and I didn't care that it was a fanfic, I just read it as a story idk...

The first I ever wrote, like I said was about Apollo 3 (German rock band mah cuties<3) and it was 


What ratings do you read/write?

Anything idk ( is fab. Non can also be fab. I don't judge)


What was your first fandom?

First full on fandom (excluding Apollo 3 because at this point they didn't really have one) TEEN TOP <3


List all the fandoms you have read/written in.

Oh. I'll just do the ones I've written in because omg that would take time.
I don't have the time.
Ok... So...

-Apollo 3
-Teen Top
-Big Bang
-Block B

What was your first ship?

Chunjoe <3


List all the pairings you have read/written in.

No. WTF.
I'll just do written (this is hard)

The first few were idol x you as I was just learning the fandoms. I don't write with this anymore its horrible /cringes/
(Though they were just one shots so I guess it is ok)

-Niel x You (Teen Top)
-Ren x You (Teen Top)
-Zelo x You (B.A.P)
-T.O.P x You (Big Bang)
-Taoris (First actual pairing fic I wrote!) (EXO)
-Onew x Chicken (SHINee)
-Shinro (B1A4)
-Dongvin? (Dongho x Kevin idk what the name is...) (U-Kiss)
-Yongco (Yongguk x Zico) (B.A.P x Block B)
-Yongbaek (Yongguk x Baekhyun) (B.A.P x EXO)
(These last two were in the same fic. So yes it's the same Yongguk.)
-Navi (VIXX)
-Shindeul (B1A4)
-Jindeul (B1A4)
-Jinchan (B1A4)
-Badeul (B1A4)
(Yes, these last B1A4 ones were all in the same fic)
-Jongkey (SHINee)
-Hunhan (EXO)
-Wooksoo (Ryeowook x Kyungsoo) (Super Junior x EXO)
-Kay (EXO)
-Rap monster x You (This was for a request) (BTS)
-Dongdeul (Dongho x Sandeul) (U-Kiss x B1A4)
-Shinkwang (CNU x Kwangmin) (B1A4 x Boyfriend)

That was a lot.


What is your favorite pairing to read/write for?

Idk. I like Eunhae, Jongkey, Hunhan, 2min, Kyumin, Chunjoe etc.


Is there any pairing you refuse to read/write?

-Not really /Shrugs/ I'm an open minded person.


What do you think of het stories? Slash/? Femslash/Yuri?

They're cool.
I'm planning an SNSD Yuri one shot, but I'm not sure on the characters yet (I was thinking maybe Jeti but Idk.)

What is your favorite genre?

I like ed up fics.
Dark / Horror / Angst  etc.

What is your least favorite genre?

I dunno, I don't have a least favourite genre...

List all of your favorite writers.

elisaexplosive and DragonTopsThePanda and fan-atic


Which writer inspires your own work?

I do.


What story has the most impact to you, so much that you remember it all the time?

Anterograde Tomorrow and The Dollhouse: Clandestine.


What is website do you use most to read/write fanfiction?



Any certain things you avoid reading/writing about?

Nope ~


What do you enjoy best about fanfiction in general?

It's probably the characters tbh. I mean, you know who you're reading about so... It's easier to visualise and get a feel of?


Do you have any fanfiction pet peeves?

Grammar. I cannot stress how much I ing hate it when a fanfic, which could be good, is full of spelling errors and bad grammar. Like get a Beta or check your own. I don't mind the odd bit here and there but when it's ing constant.


Does the number of reviews tell how good a story is?

No. One story could have 500 ty reviews and be bad. Another could have no reviews and be amazing.


How long should a chapter be?

However long. I don't really care. But if they're too long (As in you get bored and can't stand to read it all in one go) I'm not particularly keen on that.


Have you ever flamed someone?



Have you ever been flamed?

Not really but I did have someone once tell me that my fic always ruined her day and I think she reported it. Idk, does that count?
, everyone else was alright with it!


Do you roleplay online?

I used to but... Only for about a week and I just... No.



(Writers Only)


How many published fanfictions have you written?

8 One shots
1 One shot request collection thing
2 Full fics
​I'm working on a one-shot collection too... but that was written by DragonTopsThePanda so... I don't think I'll count that since I only did like 1 and a half


Which one of your fanfictions has the most words? The most views? The most comments? The most upvotes?

Ok, Most words ~ In the eyes of a Dongsaeng (Idk how many there is but it's the longest. Trust me.)
Most views ~ In the eyes of a Dongsaeng at 6671 (It's not a lot but I aint poular and it was only B1A4 so sorry :p)
Most comments ~  In the eyes of a Dongsaeng at 127
Most upvotes ~ In the eyes of a Dongsaeng at 13. (Again, not that many but whatever, it was my first fic so I'm pretty pleased with that and I have a feeling the votes on Numbers are gonna go up when everything is revealed)


At the moment, which one of your fanfictions is your favorite/you are the most proud of? (you can include unpublished fanfictions)

Published :
Favourite: Black thorn (But like no-one has read it seriously... it's an uncommon pairing...)
                Or In the eyes of a Dongsaeng.
Proudest of: In the eyes of a Dongsaeng

Favourite: Take me away
Proudest: Take me away

Do you use beta reader?

Dude, I am the beta.


What warnings have you used on your stories?

Kink, , violence, Character death, Self harm / Triggers.


Do reviews affect how you write in any way?

I don't get reviews...


What makes you happy the most as a writer?

When people comment and show that they like what I'm doing.
Idk I think it just really helps me keep writing^^


Do you generally outline your fanfictions or do you prefer to write spontaneously then revise?

It depends what I'm doing, if it's a one shot I'll think about it then go for it, if it's a full fic, I like to plan it allout and write it based around the plan.


Have you ever stolen something from another person’s work?

I stole a line from a book we were doing at school, I'm not proud of it, but I didn't actually realize it was from there until we re-read it a few weeks back so Idk, does that count? I think it does :/ ...


What do you feel is your biggest challenge when writing?

Descriptions and forewords I freaking hate them.
Also not getting bored of the story. Like, my brain comes up with good story lines, then I get bored of them and ugh...


Do you have any certain ritual to do before/while/after you write?

Nope! ^^


Do you actively advertise your story or request for reviews/upvotes?

I can't afford that, but in future I hope to once I have more readers and I'm more strict with my freaking updates OTL


Would you ever want a trailer for a fanfiction you’ve written to be made?

I make trailers for my full fics, but that's it.


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Woot woot!! That was so fun to read! Haha this must've been hard but so worth it! ^^