So, I've been watching this anime show, maybe some of you have once watched/heard it, 'Tantei Opera Milky Holmes'. I was suddenly inspired to make a fic based on it but that anime show has 4 girls and for the fic there'll only be 3 girls so yeah. The new fic will be about 3 detective girls who were born with powers lol. Just try to watch the anime. It's kind of hard for me to explain. But for my fic, there will also be romance. There will be like 3 boys, maybe. In 'Tantei Opera Milky Holmes', each of tge girls have their own colours, 

Sheryl - Pink, Cordelia - Blue, Elly - Green & Nero - Yellow.

So for my characters, their colours are: PinkBlue Purple.

So yeah, I'll think aboutbit first and if I will make a new fic, I'll try to make it interesting. I wont leave 'July 14' & 'Frozen' okayyyy?


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