Oh Mr. Taiko Drums

Sooooo today was fun. SPEING BREAK STARTS TODAY WOOT WOOT!! WHAT UUUPPP! But anywho, today I didn't have to go to school because it was Arts and Humanities Day at the elementary and middle school (I'm in high school btw) and I got to go perform for the little peeps. They were sooooo adorable... Most of them... 

And yeah so I performed on my taiko drum with my other taiko members (it's our Japanese Taiko Drum Band and taiko drums are just a traditional Japanese drum that makes epic sound and has a lot of movement and stuff so yeah. It's pretty flipping awesome and everyone w perform for days so too) so yeah we performed 22 times... Maybe you don't realize that we have to hit those drums really flipping hard and move around a lot (just go look up a good taiko video) and so after 22 times, my hands were literally numb. Like one of our band members accidentally threw his drum stick, twice, because our hands were so numb we couldn't keep a good grip on the sticks. So our hands were all blood red and they hurt so bad! They still do! I can barely move my fingers, I'm having trouble typing this for that matter lol. It's so fun, but so painful after a while. 

So yep. I just thought I'd share my fun, yet painful, last day of school before spring break! ^-^


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