✡ Main dancer, The y Pearl ✡

zero, bang, shoot





Park Ji Hyun, Main dancer}


AliceHwang1 | Alice or Carol ( My real nickname ) | 9/10

" Never give up your dreams. One day they will come true, just believe. "

Full name: Park Ji Hyun
Other names: None... But... nicknames:
✿ Hyunnie – It is an affectionate nickname her parents gave her, however, the nickname became also often used by their friends, or people close to Jihyun.
✿ Jin – As she lived in a foreign country and did not have an American name, Jihyun's friends gave her this nickname. It was like an easier kind of them to call her since the Korean of her friends wasn't good. Although she was called like this in America, the nickname is still used to Jihyun.
✿ JJ ( Pronounced JeiJei ) – This was another nickname given by her American friends. Although it is a rather strange nickname, Jihyun still loves and likes to be called that.
✿ Jikshin ( Ji + Shikshin ) – Her friends often call her like this because of her great passion for food.
✿ Skinship Queen – Some people close to her, call her like this, because of her incoscientes skinships. Jihyun always pouts when people call her that, but she laughs along with everyone.
Stage name: J-ei
Persona: The y Pearl
Fanclub name + color: U-niques + 
Position: Main dancer 
Back-up Position: Leader
Date of birth: 28/10/1992

" Annyeonghaseyo ! I'm Zero's y Pearl and Main dancer, Jei! " 



in this Jihyun's mind.... }

birthplace + hometown: Los Angeles, California, USA + Los Angeles, California, USA
ethnicity: Korean - American
bloodtype:  O
languages spoken: English ( Fluent ) | Korean ( Fluent ) | Japanese ( Semi-fluent ) 
favorite food | Hamburguer, Candy, Pizza and Chocolate
 favorite drink | Orange juice, Lemonade and Coke
  your favorite sunbae in jyp and sm | GOT7's JR and SNSD's Seohyun
favorite song | I got a boy - SNSD and Mr.Mr - SNSD

faceclaim + hyperlink to gallery: Jung Minhee + Gallery

back-up faceclaim + hyperlink to gallery: 
Seo Sery + Gallery
personality | Where can we start? Well, Jihyun has a strong personality and all who know her know it. She is the type of girl who lives life the way she pleases and not as others want. Jihyun says that she isn't a doll that can be controlled by someone. But she isn't the rebellious type, just like to be free, without having to obey everything that others say. Not that she doesn't respect, because she respects everyone, but she will not give confidence to anyone. This is typical of her. Jihyun usually is speaking that treats people the way she is treated, so then she can often be considered arrogant, but she isn't. She only gives back what she receive. If Jihyun is treated well by someone, she will surely treat this someone very well, but if she is treated badly, she will have no mercy on mistreating too. But of course, don't misunderstand. Jihyun is a nice girl, just not is when she receives some kind of bad treatment. She's not a girl who pretends to be what she isn't or pretend to like someone, when really don't like, so if she doesn't like the person, Jihyun go talk to person or just ignore the person. Isn't her problem anyway. Everyone has to get home education, if the person no has or not learned from their parents, Jihyun doesn't care about any of that. She says that her has more important things to worry about than that.
Known for having a sharp tongue, Jihyun no cares to speak the truth. She isn't a fake person anyway, and just hate fake people. Jihyun can be considered a very blunt girl and doesn't care if someone is hurting or not with what her say. But wait, this is only with those people who dare to offend or do something bad to her or the people she loves. Jihyun always tells that the truth, even painful it might be, is the best way to solve things. And she is not wrong in that sense. At least she can defend very well all that she really loves. Jihyun not accepts offense from anyone. But she isn't the type of girl who will stay for a long time arguing with anyone whatsoever. She always says " I'll not spend my valuable time with people who don't deserve even the least bit of respect from me." for people. Although she's stubborn, she prefers not to spend her time. But depends much . If Jihyun know or at least think she is right, she will not hesitate to discuss with the person for a long time. And the least she'll want is to win. Then come her competitive side. It may not look it, but she's a really competitive girl. Losing isn't in her vocabulary, so she will always want to win. But don't think she will cheat because Jihyun is super honest.
Her personality seems to be a very rebellious girl right? But no. Actually she is a very cheerful and lively girl. Just her smile can light up the world. Jihyun can infect everyone with her animation and so she's always trying to amuse everyone. Although sometimes her jokes are humorless, always will leave all up and she likes it. Know that makes others joyful always makes she happier. Because of her sharp tongue, she speak very well with people. Sometimes she may even surprise people by her good communication and this has greatly influenced in her debut. Although she can speak a little too much of the bill, Jihyun like this her side, because she can be a nicer girl and having more friends, but also won many rivals. Because of her laid back personality, Jihyun became a very popular girl in her school days, thus causing a bit of rivalry between the "queenkas" of her school. But Jihyun never bothered with them, this always made they become more angry. Jihyun always managed to annoy some people because of her calm and tranquility. What isn't in her interest, will never be her concern, so Jihyun looks like a carefree girlwith almost everything. But it isn't true. Jihyun worry too much about things, especially those she loves. Jihyun always did defend very well all who are close to her. She will not let anybody offend her friends or her family and just hang out. Jihyun tends to defend very well the others and even takes the blame for some things that someone she loves do, just to help.
She is a bit ert. She is always talking nonsense, and almost always have to stay away from the maknae because of that speech. But generally, what she says, makes everyone laugh. This is not something she worries too much, she just likes to be herself. Jihyun might be a little spoiled sometimes, but only when she really wants something. If she wants something, she will struggle to achieve and will not rest until she get what both wanted. Well, but don't misunderstand, that side spoiled her, did Jihyun become more hardworking. Because she runs after what she want, but sometimes her spoiled side can attack and she will want to order something she wants in time she wants. This usually happens with food. Jihyun has a great passion for food, as well as shoes and clothes. She will always be more cheerful if she eat her favorite food, which is sweet or others foods. Any food makes she happy and well animated. Jihyun can eat for eight people and not be crowded, or maybe get hungrier, depends on the day and as she is hungry. And the problem is that she hates sharing her food and may often be called selfish, but this is something she isn't. Jihyun is always giving her things to the needy and always buy toys and clothes for the children of the orphanage near her home. She enjoys children and whenever she visit this orphanage is much more cheerful. Children living there already treat her as a friend or even as an older sister and very fond of Jihyun. But because of her practices, she could not visit the orphanage more often, but whenever she has time, go there to visit the children and carry things for them. This side leaves her very proud parents because Jihyun does this because he likes and not because she is required.
Anyway ... Jihyun is a girl with a good heart, despite having a strong personality and full of defects. She will not change for anyone and also will not pretend to be something she isn't. Jihyun only will continue with her normal sides of her. Being childish,y, funny, cool, arrogant, cute, silly, tough and etc ... This is the real Jihyun!
background | Jihyun was born in California, USA. Her father is Korean and has a great company in Seoul. Her mother is Korean-american and is a teacher in one of the best schools in Seoul. Her family is considered rich and big business. Jihyun grew up with everything they wanted, her parents never left that lacked nothing for her, making her become a little spoiled. Her childhood was very prestigious, a childhood that every child would love to have. Best clothes, the best toys, the best schools, many friends, maids, a huge house .... Such was the childhood Jihyun, for she was truly a fairy tale. When small Jihyun always wanted to be an actress, she dreamed of being on television and make many dramas. So her parents put she in a drama class, where she learned many things related. But as time went on, she began to listen to music, specifically American pop. Her desire to be an actress dwindled more she heard music. With 10 years Jihyun met a Korean girl who was traveling with her parents, they became good friends and this girl talked about kpop for Jihyun. She was interested and find more about this style of music. While living in the United States, her parents always spoke in Korean with her, which she did not feel too confused to find the different language. However, as she was looking for more songs, Jihyun slowly began to like it and find it very good. What she liked the dances were well planned and addictive rhythms. She began to imitate the dancing and singing the songs of kpop.
When Jihyun completed 16, her parents said they would have to move to south korea, her parents thought it would take Jihyun to accept it, but was instead Jihyun was thrilled she would be going to the country kpop, well, half of it was also sad because she would leave her friends behind. At first it was very difficult Jihyun adapt to the culture, language and food. After a while she managed to learn Korean, but her was all American accent and was funny when she spoke. She still misses some things in Korean, but her language is better. Often Jihyun still uses the American culture, as people did not bow of respect, or even hug people to greet them. In the same month that traveled to Korea, her mother broke the news that she was pregnant. Jihyun was surprised, but very glad to have a brother. She helped her parents buy everything for her younger brother and even decorated his room. But she did not forget her dream and when she turned 17, took a chance and auditioned for her favorite company, SM Entertainment. She did the auditions, but was rejected the first time, but since Jihyun is a stubborn girl, she did not give up and tried again, this time she passed. She was very happy she could be a trainee and was a step to realize her dream. Her parents were very supportive and congratulated her. Jihyun was a girl that applied very well trained, well, still had those times she slept more than trained, but other than that, it was very good. However, her parents made her promise to never stop studying.
Her life as a trainee was not easy. The practices were intense, which made Jihyun often get home late or not go to school. Her mother continued to support, but her father began to think that this was a wrong decision to take to her life. He started prohibit Jihyun of going to SM, but for school, saying that her studies were more important. But Jihyun not listened, she wanted to fulfill her dream and would not listen to her father. She was upset with him, when he most have to support her, he was making her give up her greatest dream, this made her so frustrated. But she continued to follow her dream and going to practicing. The relationship with her father began to worsen, her mother always tried to fix everything, but this never worked. Jihyun not want her father to control her life and so the two were always arguing. Jihyun not want that to happen, but her father was not helping anything. All this was only improve when Jihyun discovered she was debuting. Her father noticed that the debut was even the dream of Jihyun and apologized. She gladly accepted because she does not hold grudges people. Their relationship improved, but her father still controls much of her life, which always makes the two come into arguing. But her life has improved and now, with the debut, she will start a new life, the life she always dreamed of.

tell me whatislove; }


love interest: Lu Han
back-up love interest: Kim Jongin ( Kai )
interaction: The two are like best friends. They enjoy the presence of each other and are always implying. They are masters at using skinship unconsciously, which often makes people wonder if they are really friends or a couple. They hug, go hand in hand and even give each other kisses - on the cheek, forehead or nose - and do so without any concern, but of course they are not in public, they neither want rumors to both groups. Their relationship is the type that everyone knows deep down that they like each other, except themselves. Although they are very familiar with all the skinship, over time, their hearts always accelerates when the other is present. Jihyun feel her heart racing when Luhan hugging her from behind. And Luhan feel his heart race when she kisses his cheek or the tip of his nose. But as neither of them ever been in love before, they don't know the feeling of being in love, so they think this is normal. However, with time, Jihyun and Luhan will slowly discovering who feel something stronger than friendship for each other.
love rival: Kim Jongin
back-up love rival: Park Chanyeol

relationship: Best-friends
interaction: Jihyun treats him as a great friend, but he does not see she this way. Whenever he can, he asked to have a dating, but he always says that is friendly, because if not she will not accept. His feelings for her grow, but he can not do anything besides giving tips. Kai always uses skinships with Jihyun and treat Jihyun as a real princess. Who does not know them, would find that the two are lovers. This leaves Luhan very angry and jealous. They are friends, but Kai like Jihyun, however, she just see him as a friend.

finished with anything }



comments and questions: Sorry grammar errors, is that I am Brazilian and my English isn't very good. Any error in the application can warn me I stand corrected. I hope you like me ^.^
scene request:

When Luhan and Jihyun discover they are in love with each other, they will start to fight a lot because of jealousy and this causes their friendship to fall slightly. Although always apologize later, they end up fighting again and again.

> Very skinship between Luhan and Jihyun. Including their special and frequent skinships, that is: Jihyun always gives a kiss on the cheek or nose tip of Luhan, and he holds her face and does the same with her. And he always hugs her from behind, putting her chin on the shoulders of Jihyun while she holds his hands.

> Jihyun will get drunk after going to a party and Luhan will take care of her. The two end up kissing, but the other day Jihyun can't remember anything and don't even know how she got in Luhan's bed. (Yes, they will sleep together, but nothing will happen between them xD)

> When she and Luhan make a picnic together.

> The girls of the group will visit EXO on their dorm and when they arrive, Luhan is not with the others. Jihyun decides to call him in his room, but she is surprised to see him semi- with only a towel, leaving the bathroom. Unlike other girls who would run, Jihyun starts laughing and says that Luhan has a beautiful abs, making the boy blush and run into the bathroom again.

> Luhan is jealous of Jihyun with Kai and ends up fighting with Kai, not physically, but verbally. Well, if Jihyun was not there to separate the two, they would end up punching the other.

> Jihyun see a girl and Luhan together and feels great jealousy, but try to control herself. But when she saw the girl hugging Luhan, she was immediately between the two and because of anger, just offending the girl. And so, the two end up arguing again.

> Luhan is jealous of Jihyun again with Kai and ends up pulling her strongly to one of the rooms of the SM. The two start another arguing, but when they stop talking, Jihyun asks what happened to them and Luhan not answer anything, just sitting beside her on the floor. When he looked at her, tears were falling from her eyes. He slowly hugged her and apologized. Jihyun cried more in his arms and requested for them to be back as they were before.

> A date between Kai and Jei. Luhan sees and begins to spy on them.

> Jei and Luhan record a cover of Now as a gift for fans. Some exotics in the beginning will not like, but will have more good reviews than bad. > Luhan and Jihyun are practicing to record a cover of Now (troublemaker), but they decide to rest a bit. Jihyun, being the lazy girl that she is, sleeping in a few minutes. He laughed and slowly approaches her face, giving a small kiss on her lips. When she wakes up, starts laughing and says she had a dream in which they kissed and says that this is impossible to happen, making Luhan sad.

> After another fight between them, Jihyun will scream all your feelings for Luhan. He is surprised, but before he could say anything, Jihyun ran out of the building. He runs after her and confesses his love for her in a park at night. Both have their third kiss there.
password: Mr.Mr - SNSD and divers


this israndom. lol. }

http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8x67jjVSt1ru5sw5o1_250.gif    http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8x67jjVSt1ru5sw5o2_250.gif    http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8x67jjVSt1ru5sw5o3_250.gif

http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8x67jjVSt1ru5sw5o4_250.gif    http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8x67jjVSt1ru5sw5o5_250.gif    http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8x67jjVSt1ru5sw5o6_250.gif

which pairing do you like in exo?: 

Exo/girl: Seohan ( Seohyun and Luhan, my loves ) and Seoexo ( Seohyun and Exo ) | Exo/Exo: Xiuhan, Hunhan and Kaihan ♥

layout credit to _milkshake @ f a l l e n angel



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oh and sorry, please chang the yourname in "in this yourname's mind..." to your characters name! thanks for applying
hi, alice! sorry but can you explain this sentence to me, "However, after all this time in SM, she eventually moved to Blosson, which could finally debut. But her life has improved and now, with the debut, she will start a new life, the life she always dreamed of." what's blosson? kkk and you forgot to hyperlink the password to it's mv! well that's for the mistakes and wow! thanks for a detailed personality and background ;) it's lovely kkk so in the group i'm the one who cooks and you're the one who eat that all???!! lol xD anyways, please fix your mistake and it's accepted! :>