7 facts about me.


Well .. I was waiting for the commercials to end while watching Stardust. Have you seen it? I've seen it a couple times already.. xD Awesome movie. So, I'm going to call myself Doki on AFF .. Kekeke.. xD So, here's 7 facts about me. I would do more, but I'm going to go to sleep right after this, so .. no.



1. Doki likes manga and anime. Doki is a hardcore otaku.

Yeah, it's true, everytime I go to bookstores I'll go straight to the manga section. I collect mangas too; currently I'm near to 30 mangas? And I'm the first person who started the Manga Wave in my class. xD

2. Doki is a Potterhead since 8 years old.

I'm that young when I started reading Harry Potter. And now I'm still a Potterhead, and waiting impatiently for Pottermore to open. Open up!

3. Doki became a Percy Jackson fan when Doki watched the movie and bought the books.

Doki has all the Percy Jackson series books and now collecting the other ones, the sequel to Percy Jackson. And they're really pricey! I could buy 6 mangas for each novel! xD

4. Doki knows English and Malay. Doki is learning Korean and Japanese by Doki-self and some awesome teachers.

I know how to read and write Hangul and I mostly learn Japanese by watching animes.

5. Doki sleeps really late at night and wakes up really late in the afternoon right now.

For example, right now when I'm writing this is 2 a.m. and tomorrow going to be really ddong because I need to wake up early.

6. Doki is a hardcore ELF. Doki wants to go to SS4 in Malaysia. 

But it seems like I'm making my hopes high. TT^TT 

7. Doki's ultimate and very first bias is TEUKIE ~   

And he still is .. xD   

8. Doki is a Slythindor.

I really like Gryffindor but I think I'm more of a Slytherin. xD I'm evil. And I also have a Slytherin T-shirt plus tie. Yeah!!!

9. Doki likes to wear dark or white clothes and shorts at home.

It's hot at my country, OK?!

10. Doki doesn't care much about Doki's clothes.

One time, I went to hang out with my friends and also went travelling wearing clothing that had paint. Doki was wearing it when painting a mural at school. ^^



OK, I'm done. Want to do like this too? Go ahead. I want to read your facts as well. :D




PS: Not much colour? Sorry, need to go to sleep! Pyong!


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Haha, thanks for reading my blog.. :) I was thinking to use third person for the facts, then first person for the explanation.. xD
Calesto #2
lol I love how this is all in third person :D