Tagged! by YGmaniac & Xiusoc ♥

Rule 1: Post the rules 

Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagged asked you, then make 11 new ones

Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to this post

Rule 4: Let them know you've tagged them


Qs from YGmaniac:

  1. Who are your biases ? ( 5 people :P ) .
    Taeyang, Zhang Yixing, Son Dongwoon, Park Bom & Yoo Sungjae
  2. What do you think of YG artists and what fandom are you ? .
    I’m a V.I.P & Blackjack.
  3. How old are you ? 16
  4. Your perceptions of me ?
    You’re friendly & smart :)
  5. Who would you choose first , your bf/gf or your ultimate BIAS ?
    My ultimate bias…because he’s my boyfriend too! HAHAHA
  6. What is your favourite k-pop song ? Why ?
    I’m the best by 2ne1. It’s my alarm tone haha! Also, this song pumps up my mood all the time \m/
  7. Where are you from ?
    EXOPlanet…I believe...
  8. Girls' Generation or 2NE1 ? ( no offences ^^ )
    Are you ready for the b-e-s-t? lol I’m a BJ so…2ne1 are my queens! 
    I like their music and style...
    And I guess I just like strong girls over cutesy girls...that's just my PERSONAL PREFERENCE^^
  9. Who are you shipping ? Are you okay with fics that themed ?
    TOPBOM, DaraGon, KiWoon, MinJae, HunHan, TaoRis, GDTOP, KaiSoo, Ailee x Taeyang, ZiP.O. etc~
    I can only tolerate mild …but yes, boys’ love(BL) is fine :)
  10. Your favourite quote ?
    “No matter how hard and difficult something is, I will always be positive and smile like an idiot.” – Park Chanyeol
  11. Any fic that I should read? I want a comedic one :P ( Im tired of crying alreaadyy xD xD )
    Hehehe. I have nothing~ lol I don’t know what kind of humor you like :P


Questions from XIUSOC:

1. What do you first notice in a person?
I can’t help it but the first things I notice…
for Females- aura (ex. y, nice, crazy etc)
for Males- height

2. Do you mainly base friendship on looks? why?
NO, dude. That’s just stupid XD

3. Good-looking with bad attitude or not good-looking with nice attitude?
Not good-looking, rather, male god looks and nice attitude HAHAHA :)
Srsly tho, I’d pick the latter. I wouldn’t want to be with someone just for their looks.

4. Do you believe in love at first sight? Why?
Yes. It happened to me when I was watching this teaser called “Beautiful” and this guy named Lay…he took my breath away with his smexy bod & smooth movement…and I was in love HAHA!

5. What's your ideal date?
Adventure or gaming date :)  or anything casual~

6. What's the one thing you hate most?
Unreasonable people.

7. What makes you trust a person?
If we’re close/ best friends…I’ll trust them of course :)

8. Describe yourself in 11 words.
Creative. Impulsive. Independent. Versatile. Positive. Passionate. Stubborn. Confrontational. Enthusiastic. Generous. Courageous.
~a true Aries~

9. Would you date a person WAY older than you?
WAY OLDER THAN ME? Like grampa old? NO.
Honestly, I like guys who are younger than me. I want to be his noona so I can spoil him and shower him of my love~♥ I don’t like people who boss me around or baby me...ew…
lol, can you relate to this question? Haha jk

10. How did you find AFF?
It was a long time ago…and unnie is very forgetful…sorry dongsaengie~
It’s the Yixing Syndrome -_-

11. What made you answer the questions above?
Chuchu is my super kawaii dongsaeng!


I already did this tag before but if you're interested/bored...anyone can answer the following: 
-My Questions-
1. If you were the opposite for one day, who would you take out on a date? 
2. What is the one thing that disgusts you?
3. Which one country would you want relocate to if you had the opportunity? Why?
4. What is the first thing you do when you get up every morning?
5. If you were stuck on a deserted island with an idol (not your bias), who would it be?
6. Are you left-handed/ rIght-handed?
7. What's the absolute best vacation you can imagine?
8. What song do you want at your funeral? 
9. If you were a manager of a Kpop group, which group would you choose? 
10. What are your top 3 guidelines in picking a bias?
11. Who is your ULTIMATE BIAS?



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Thanks unnie <33 saranghae!!
cause i forgot this and lol. sorry eonnie~ ;*

1. If you were the opposite for one day, who would you take out on a date?
my mom... cause i love my mom <3 #momma's girl~ kkk
oh.. and ill also ask luhan... time for some shounen-ai feels~ lols
2. What is the one thing that disgusts you?
sasaengs... they need a lot of alcohol
3. Which one country would you want relocate to if you had the opportunity? Why?
i'll stay in the phil. #olivianity~ wehehehehe
4. What is the first thing you do when you get up every morning?
i look at myself in the mirror. and smile... *kaching* :D
5. If you were stuck on a deserted island with an idol (not your bias), who would it be?
uhhhhhhh... kris.. he can take me anywhere.. not to mention he can draw me on the sand.XD
6. Are you left-handed/ rIght-handed?
7. What's the absolute best vacation you can imagine?
a vacation with daesung and sehun at my condo.... and night life with friends and a day with whole family.. <3
8. What song do you want at your funeral?
Come Back Home~ ehe ehe ehe
9. If you were a manager of a Kpop group, which group would you choose?
Course it would be BigBang... bogo shipeo <3
10. What are your top 3 guidelines in picking a bias?
a. can make me laugh
b. talent and appeal
c. looks (except for sehun, looks is like my no. 1)
11. Who is your ULTIMATE BIAS?
no.1 would be OTP's (boyxboy OTP's..kkk~) and sehun 2nd and daesung 2nd too <3

i love you buin buin!!!~ lol
Thank you , for the perceptions part , LOL XD
Wow !! I Like Your Answers !! :DD
Thank you for participating ^^
I think I like you! (based on your answers xD LOL)