★ Rose Rouge — bittersweet mouse— minha





         --kandarella.    |   ella.   |  eight out of ten.   


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Full Name: Choi Minha

Other name:  Summer Choi → her English name is given by fellow member 

:: Minnie → used by her mother and friends, an informal way of calling her
:: Minnie Mouse → used by friends and fans, a name for teasing, she is used to that since she was a kid
:: Shikshin → used by the members, she eats A LOT
:: SUN → used by herself, self proclaim as the sun of the group

:: Mirror Princess → used by Minho, a name for teasing, she LOVES to look at her reflection on mirror

Birthdate: 12-08-1992

Age: 22

Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Ethncity: Korean

:: Korean → she speaks in Seoul dialect | pronounciation 100% | fluency 100%
:: English → trainee and idol stuff | pronounciation 25% | fluency 20%
:: French → interest, France is her favorite foreign country | pronounciation 15% | fluency 10%


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Personality traits:

+;   bighearted, generous, sensitive to others' feelings, affectionate, well organized, impeccable bravery.

-;  forceful, aristocratic, aggressiveness, boastful, haughty, pride.

Like me, please;

Sometimes, she just doesn’t get on others good side. Sometimes, she seems like she’s trying a little too hard to make herself seem likable.

See, I am good enough;
She can be described using one metaphor, the sun. She wants to be a sun giving out light and warmth to the whole world, and to see everyone in her circle thriving in or at least benefitting from her radiance. And just like a queen, she has a big heart, she is generous and sensitive to others’ feelings. This trait of hers sometimes borders on bossiness. But all this effort to improve another person’s life comes with an unnatural amount of warmth, kindly encouragement and a promise for help without having to ask, whenever it is needed. In friendship, she is very generous and caring, but may also get a little carried away and showers her affection on the wrong person. The same happens in case of love interest, but if the other person is the right one, he will find no derth of kindness and generosity. She innately want to lead and be a master, but for those she adore and revere, she is ready to become slaves. She is very well organized and do things just the way she ought to be done, but it is also true that she is much better at organizing and systematizing others’ lives than their own. She is the leader of her own world; she exhibits impeccable bravery, superiority and sovereignty. She is expected to achieve extraordinary feats. She has the strength of character to take command of any situation and her presence commands respect and attention.

No, this is not the real me;
She is quite egotistical and it’s quite easy to flatter and take advantage of her. At the same time, she tends to be quite self-congratulatory and boastful and at the same time dominating, courting resentment from her peers. She is all about ambition and compassion; and at the same time headstrong and a little corrupted by power. But it equally characteristic of her to be contemplative and moody, especially when she is with herself. She can get into deep depressions, but the only answer to this problem is self-control, hard work and paying heed to others’ counsel. And she is also in quite a bit of luck, but being a little imprudent, it would be ill-advised for her to try her hand at speculation. She can also be influenced very easily, and is prone to losing out against nagging criticism. She therefore has a great need to be encouraged and shown the right way. She shows her ambitious and sensitive character with her relationships with the opposite . She is a very passionate and very faithful partner, but the problem is her extremely sensitive nature. And this sensitivity is on most occasions eclipsed by her influential and bossy exterior. So it’s quite possible that her partner may have hurt her in something he says without her even realizing it.

I can't stop but being "perfect";
People have a bit of a problem with her personality. On one hand, she seems to exhibit the “perfect” imperfect character. She’s kind, charming, uber-friendly and faithful. Her hyper tendencies and optimistic charming nature lead many to call her the brightest member. She has this totally open, carefree vibe around herself. Hardly have others ever met a person, as dazzling and happy as her in real life whom is actually that way. Most people that put up a happy front usually aren’t as gleeful in real life, and this feeling is so nagging whenever others see her on a variety show, or holding an interview.

:: mirror → she brings mirror everywhere, this include a small mirror in her purse
:: books → she is fond of books, especially art books
:: animals → especially dogs, in fact, she own a pet puppy named "Sun"
:: clothes → she is fashionable, she loves clothes, the branded one to be more specific
:: summer → because of the sun, summer means loads of sun, sun is the metaphor for her
:: painting → she likes how a beautiful scenary can be captured and portrayed in a painting
:: hair accessories → she loves hair accessories, especially tiara, it makes her feel like a queen
:: bathing → it's weird but she feel calm in bathroom, bathing, especially under the flowing water
:: strawberries → it's her favorite scent, she even use strawberry scented perfume, shower gel and shampoo
:: computer and internet → what's the fastest way in this world of globalization to check on the lastest fashion trend and to check on what's netizens think about her?


:: non spicy food → she thinks it is blunt
:: messiness → as everyone know, she is neat
:: hospital → she seriously hate it, even the smell of hospital
:: slow internet → it's normal for someone who love online like her
:: fish → without any reason, she dislike the taste and won't eat fish dishes
:: animal abusers → she is fond of animal, shen even feel pity for stray dogs and cats
:: weighing scale → she hates it, she is afraid if the scale shown that she gain any weight
:: getting dirty → this is in term of appearance, she hates getting sweaty and stuff like that
:: getting orders from others → she leads not follows, well but she used to follow her mother's
:: interrupted sleep → when she sleeps, that's it, or be prepared to her outburst, moodiness all day long


:: looking into mirror → a mirror obssession perhaps
:: plays with her fingers → she does this when nervous or scared
:: sleeping → hard to sleep at night and harder to get up in the morning
:: paying with credit card → she don't think there's need for money when one card can pay for everything
:: impersonating people's way of talking → she has the habit of impersonating people whom she is close with, there's no rude intention


:: dolling up → beautify herself, she loves looking beautiful
:: taking selca → she loves making various facial expression in her selca, even the ugliest
:: watching musical → she loves that, she also dream of being the leading female for a musical
:: painting → she loves painting, especially scenary, but she isn't that good, she is the female EXO's Kris
:: reading books → she thinks book is one of tresures and sometimes find answers to her question through it



:: Her favorite number is 1.
:: Her favorite color is cyan blue.
:: Her favorite movie is Legally Blonde.
:: Her favorite food is her chocolate, cake and pizza.
:: Her role models are BoA AND Whitney Houstan.
:: Her motto is “If something's easy, it's not worth it. If you give up when it's at its hardest, you're not worth it.“.
:: Her ideal type is a guy who is dedicated towards his work, loves art and knows how to value it, appearance and fashion style like Takuya Kimura and has a good future.
:: She is a devout Christian.
:: She ultimately do what she wants to do.
:: She holds a third degree black belt in Hapkido.
:: She wants to be an actress or model if not singing.
:: Her english name is given by fellow group members.
:: If she is to choose a favorite body part, she will pick all of them.
:: She thinks that if two people love each other, age doesn't matter.
:: If she has to grade her face out of ten, she'd give herself an eleven.
:: She was always in the top 10 in her classes during her her school years.
:: She thinks that if someone does not want her, it will be because she is selfish.
:: She thinks that a guy is the most cute when he is embarrassed or when he is panicking.
:: She has a great interest in fashion. She’s also considered as the most fashionable member.
:: She is funny when she doesn't try to be funny. When she tries to be funny, it doesn't work.
:: She has never satisfied with any of her BoA and Whitney Houstan's singing performances.
:: Despite her tough image, she is said to be the one who cries most easily while watching musicals.
:: She has an acrophobia, she can't stand height. She has a fear of height because she ever saw someone commit suicide by jumping from a high building when she was little.
:: She also has an entomophobia, she can't stand insects. Really, she has a fear for bugs and it's hillarious especially when there's no specific reason to be honest. She thinks insects is dangerous because of the small size, one don't know what they can do.


Idol Friends:
Go Ara | 24 | Actress
Kim Soeun | 25 | Actress



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Face claim: Jooyeon

Back up face claim: Lizzy

Others: She has a pair of ear piercing. She has done eyes job when she was in middle high school. She does this to make her eyes look bigger.

Style: She, whose leg is beautiful-slender, usually wear the skinny jean which point out her strong points. She wears the trouser that grasps the eyes with its color and style. Instead of the trouser that has neither color nor style, she uses the one on which the detail and point are covered. She usually puts on the skit that is flavored with a plentiful design for her upper body. In the accompany with this costume, she wear the shortest pant because she want to show off her long and slim leg-beauty. During the group’s oversea performance, she usually come up with the variety of airport fashion. At this time, she attracts the people's attention through her preparation of the fashion which is not shaggy or untidy. She directs the chic and elegant style by wearing blackly. Whenever she wears the luxurious black boot, it always matches to her black jacket and fir. Even she uses the casual clothing, she remains her own style which is full of elegance and masterpiece.

Casual: | |


Practice: |

Dorm: |  



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Stage Name:  Minha

Persona: The Bittersweet Mouse

Position:  Lead Vocal, 2nd Composer

Back-up Position:  Main Vocal, Composer


Trainee Years:7 years

Trainee Life: As a trainee, Minnie stood out for her great singing skills and lack of performance skills. Her much more husky and deep voice provides amazing contrast to the other girls in the group, whom have more delicate and softer tones. One of the thing she lacks in is control. She falters a bit live and dancing, and even when she’s solely singing, you can hear her struggle to reach her notes. She would practice hard and teachers would be particularly tough on her to make her improve. Some trainees didn't like how she was accepted for her face and model body, as if SM is an model agency, as if she lower their bar of standard. But they never took action against her because they thought that with her performance skills, she was no real threat to them. Just to be able to shut them up, Minnie aking help in the form of private lessons from other trainee friends and she quickly become better. She even posponed university to concentrate on training, Then, she came back stronger, better although not that better and they acknwoleged her somehow. She had performance talent, but never developped it and never felt the need to. Overall, her trainee years was hard as she was out from her mother's wealthy cage but she didn't gave up although the thought of it came to her few times.


Singing Twin: Soyu | link | Bohyung

Dancing Twin: Soyu | link | Bohyung

Rapping Twin: n/a


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Love Interest: Choi Minho | Minho

Relationship: Friends. Almost lover but not yet lover.

Personality Traits:

+;  charisma, humorous, competitive, extrovert, friendly, open for helping others

-;  aggressive, bossy, fools around a lot, forceful, conceited, hard to fall in love

Flaming charisma? On stage yes, off stage... Throw the idea out the window. He is the NO.1 JOKESTER and is practically bouncing off the walls at all times. He feel caged up because of the charismatic image SM gave him.  The desire to win is real stuff. He is very competitive and can get quite agressive when he wants something, which brings us to the problems. He has a tendency to want to control every situation brought to him. He often breaks down emotionally and psychologically if he fails. He’s very extroverted and fools around a whole lot, had a lot of friends in the entertainment. However he sticks to the rules.

Overall, a very mature, model student to the adults and a crazy dude with the kids. Honestly, flaming charisma, kiss that goodbye. Does not exist. Choi Minho is an insanely vivacious guy. He’s a natural seducer. He is open and will help anyone but he’s not open about when it comes to love. He hardly falls in love, not wanting to open his heart for worries someone might break it.

That night, Minho went out to the street, strolling around without any plan. He kept looking around, searching for something to do, to unleashes his boredom. His hope vanished in an instant when he saw Minnie walked by and trying to cross the street hurriedly without looking right and left. Like a crazy person, Minho ran towards her in the speed of light. Perfect timing, as about a car was close enough to hit her, Minho pulled her away and embraced her.

Then,  he let go his arms. “Sorry,” He said while looking at her, in the eyes.

Minnie bowed and smile awkwardly. “Thanks, you saved my life.”

Minho smiled in relief. “That was nothing. Are you hurt?”

“I’m fine. Are you free at the moment?I want to pay you back.”

“No need for that actually” Minho stopped his word and scratched the back of his head.

From the very beginning Minho has made a strong impression on Minnie, as he saved her life on their first met. They became friend quite quickly later during their other lucky meetings in SM. Yeah, they were both haven't debuted at that time.

They often taking the ride back together in the same subway. So it’s no wonder that they end up being good friends. The way Minnie’s so comfortable around Minho, the way Minnie letting MInho her neck, are just some of the examples that show how close Minnie is to Minho, and vice versa. The way these two flirts.

Around the members of their own groups, they do flirt with each other. In public, no, they know how to keep distance but they're still acting as friends. Some fans shipping them. They're aware of this.

As time passes, they might ended together. Since Minnie will realize that she actually already develop a romantic feeling for him but the thing is Minho, he keep denying his feeling. So, surprise me if you want them to end up together or not :)

Back-up Love Interest:   Nam Woohyun | Woohyun



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Minnie and Minho are sibling. | False.

Minnie has gone under knife. | True. She did her eyes before. 

Minnie ran away from house when she was in high school just to become a trainee. | True.

Minnie and her mother no longer talking to each other. | False. They do talk but they surely are not as lovable as normal mother- daughter.

Minnie is the child of wedlock. | False. Their parent divorce when her mother was carrying her, she lived with her mother and never met father.

Minho and Minnie are dating. She uploaded a picture of her in a car. Fans recognize the car as Minho's. | False. They went out together but as friends.

Minnie lobbying the talent scouter just for a place in SM. | False. It's true that she didn't have that performance skills as an idol before but she was scouted because of her singing solely, not because of money.

Minnie being a racist, she mocked the black people by uploaded a picture of her wearing a black seaweed mask. | False. She just done a face treatment and want to share what she is doing with her fans. She didn't being a racist.

Scene Request(s):  
::variety show like EXO Showtime named Rosy Time
::joint performance with EXO or SHINee or other groups in special events
::the girls in any romantic variety show like WGM or Romantic and Idol
::Minho and Minnie went to Namsan Tower together
::Minho and Minnie fighting over something that he said, she leaves him before he can say something else
::Minho and Minnie went to their old places together, reminiscing old memories

Comments:  Hope you like Choi Minha. Do point out my mistakes nae, I am quite careless so I am sure there will be some mistakes ;; Goodluck and Hwaiting dear <3

Password: La rose qui fleurit est magnifique


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