What I've been listening: Pinoy Music

I'm just really glad that pinoy music has evolved into something that suits more of my style~ <3  Considering how I'm too busy with my life and couldn't be updated with Kpop, I had fallen been listening and falling more to Pinoy music~


I'm gonna share to you guys what I've been listening, but I'll warn you that the videos aren't high quality or like your usual Kpop vids okay... but it's the music we're here for and not the visual~  except maybe for Solenn, Arci, abd Sam Pinto... they're such pretty girls~ hahahaha!! 


Shehyee's Trip Lang gave me an Epik High/Tablo feeling to it~ just saying~ just an opinion~ lolz


Oh and I think you should watch this too.. Arci really screams live... such a rocker~ hahaha!


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My mom always listens to this stuff on high volume xD kinda when I'm trying to watch TV literally just a feet or two away from her but it's not bad. And yeah, the video isn't the high-quality I'm used to but honestly I only watch Kpop MVs once or twice so videos aren't that important
Im filipino!:D
I know Shehyee!! I know him only haha