ANNNNYYYYEEEEEOOOONG! Did ya guys miss me? Cuz I for sure did miss you yeoreobeunn!!!

Soooo....my exams are finally over! Woot! It's Christmas vacation and now I can finally rest my for once. You don't know how exhausting this past week was. Aigoo...*sigh*

The exams were....eh okay. Also math. But except for French. It still gives me headaches.

Man, I worked so hard! Everyday I get from 5-3 hours of sleep and I get to eat as much as only three muffins. Apart from my pressure from my exams, I have my volleyball practices. Have I mentioned that I made the volleyball team? Heh. Guess I didn't. Yeah, I made the team. And everyday, I have practice. The coach, is BRUTAL. Because I'm a newbie, I get to do three times the work. The volleyball torture package includes 8497341294379874 laps, 7978747843264874 sit ups, 32743827497957358537 practice games, 984593274827928390 ball servicing, 8327434932743392 volleying. I have that at four pm to six pm everyday except Sundays. I know. It's tiring. 

And I have to balance that with my studies! Gaaaah!

There was this one time, and I think it was on Tuesday, I was late to practice because I had extra study time. I came to the court at like... 5:30 pm and the coach started yelling his off at me and he let me off at eight. Then at my house, there goes round two of ranting FROM BOTH OF MY PARENTS and three hours of more studying. 

But it's worth it cuz I snuck into my teachers' offices and found out my grades. I got an A for English. Hehehehehe...

Why do I work so hard? Two words:


Dad= wants me to work my off. (until I die)

Mom= wants me to be numbah one. (in everything)

Dad= doesn't care if I'm mediocre, as long as I work my off until I die.

Mom= BE PERFECT IN EVERY ASPECT (even if it costs you your life, happiness, and freedom)

Dad= wants me to be big in sports (I mean ALL of them)

Mom= wants me to be big in music, art, creative writing, yada yada yada...

Me= Not following what ze parents said= Asian yelling= Failing=Asian beating including flying slippers, belts cracking, and hands slapping faces

Get my point? 

My brother doesn't even deal with that kind of pressure. His grades are usually less than half of what I got and my parents don't even yell at him, much less lay a finger on him.

Boo. What a happy family life.

Now here comes my social/love life... Where to start. Oh. Right. I took time to get to know Jonah. We've been hanging out a bit ONLY because I was tutoring him for math. Gahd, the guy's S-T-U-P-I-D. He doesn't even know what the seven times table is! But I had fun tutoring him.... I found out that he likes video games and anime just like I do. And he's just as erted as I am~ hahahahaha XD I'm actually starting to like him, but the friendly way. Sure he'd initiate skinship sometimes, but I'd reject him like...3/4 of the time. He's actually a great guy...but we're too different. He's a social butterfly while I'm the emo loner girl. I'm not too sure we'd work out in the future but hey, I'd thank him for the effort he made. 

Next is Vince. I haven't talked to him in a while. We've been awkward. He already knows about Jonah. I've been avoiding him first because he always starts a conversation with me, but now, he avoids me too. I kind of miss talking to him. 


But hell yeah! Imma update mah stories today! :D

p a r k e u n n i e


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yay!! Welcome back...
I'm stalking you XD