Why I'm seriously thinking of locking my fictions (& EYK)

Like I said in the title, this blog post is only to share my thought about Why I'm seriously thinking of locking my fictions …


okay, so I know what some of you will say : either "do it I don't care" or "why? This is stupid..."


Yes it is, but the now very famous matter with EYK made me think about a lot of things differently and this is the conclusion I came with.


First I guess I should explain (briefly)my opinion on this... subject.

Beforehand, I better tell it now, No that's not because of them, or their fault in any way. Not At All!

I just noticed those details with the reaction their tweet provoked, and if it hadn't been them, it would have been someone else. but

I DON'T BLAME THEM! I DO NOT think it's their Fault!

But the fuss created by their tweet showed me details I never took in such consideration before. This is not because of them, but after that, because of the reactions ir provoked, I thought about everything differently

So like almost everybody know, EYK asked for their followers (and I'm one of them) to share their favourite fanfic for an unsaid possible use.

Immediately a lot of author craving for popularity send theirs, and even more seemed uncomfortable about the idea, without knowing what this was about and those began to hide/deleted/lock their fiction or ask their readers not to share it.

I was/am part of the second group.

Of course, this provoked various reactions, some very harsh from the frustrated readers who saw the access limited (or prohibited). And some of them turned really violent against EYK. The [word] violence was pretty useless and completely stupid, but still, I didn't like more the answers.

Because after that, I saw many people saying the authors over-reacted, how stupid this behaviour (locking/deketing) was because there was no reason to create such problems since on the internet, if you share something, this is for everybody to see and then you also have to be able to face the critic.


Well basically it's not wrong, but it's not true either. As much in a legal than personnal POV.

Unlike many people (probably non-reader/author) suggested, it's not because I was afraid of a review or anything, but because I write in a community and I want it to stay there.

A community means that you have things in common. Contrary to many people out there, I'm not a k-pop fan, but I'm a real Cassiopeia. Since I'm writing only about DBSK, I assume all my readers are also dbsk's fans... and as fans, they know what I'm talking about, and they can understand the feelings I'm trying to put into my work.

I also put warnings and explanation because then I know that the one reading, are people who might like the subject I write about.

Because we share those interests.

This is the problem many people didn't seem to get.


A lot of people (non-author I believe) simply criticized the author for using this solution and think internet is a giant free world where we can take what we want and do everything we feel like, but it's not.

When I'm writing, it's not for everybody, but for people who Might like it.

The one who made such problem are People who usually does Not read fanfiction. If they do, it's only to 'see' and then, I don't think they'll (not all, but most of them at least) be objective.

I'm not afraid of those comments, it must be very selfish/arrogant, but I just feel like they don't deserve to read something I know they won't like.

That's all.


Also about why I'm thinking about locking everything, this is the result of what I previously said, with one more detail.

As I read the comments about over-reacting, I noticed that some took the fanfic like something the author writes for the public, and since it is in free access online, there was no use for compensation whatesoever, as if it was a due and they were making a favour to the author by sharing/commenting.

I don't think it should be seen this way.

Writing works with an author and readers, the relation goes in both ways and I don't get how those people could say such things without feeling stupid or mean toward the author.

However, as bad as it is, this is my work, my time and the things I like, feel, imagine, want... that I put in my fanfics.

I'm slow to write, but I'm personally very invested in what I work on.

I kept it in free access until now because I thought everybody could get that, but it seems that is not the case.

I guess this is also why there's so many problems with plagia, and why so many people don't even take a moment for a single word after reading (and I don't mean here, the moments you're tired or the few fanfic you don't really know what to say after reading).


I'm not asking for anything, I can't change the world anyway, but I just noticed.

I don't know... for me it was just a matter of respect.

I think I was pretty naive about that.

Maybe it's true (even if legally it's not), if it is free access, then it is for everybody to see and do whatever they want...


I didn't decide anything yet, but yeah... I'm seriously thinking of locking my fictions ...



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You know what bothered me the most about this whole ordeal? How EYK reacted. I get the people's responses. Some writers were upset and freaked out. With good reason. Words like ... "It's the internet" ... are crap. Like you said, we know who we write for and who will view our material in manner that is appropriate. I'm not afraid of negative criticism when it comes from somebody who understands what we are doing, or in the least, has some amount of knowledge of it. Not someone who already made up their mind about how 'silly' or 'creepy' it is. But anyway, that's not my point.

My point is, EYK made a mistake, acting in a way that was insensitive to their audience. It doesn't matter that their 'kpop' audience [which they automatically associated with the fanfiction world--regardless of the countless other fandoms out there--and also automatically associated the fanfic writers with the 'crazy' kpop fans] is not the most significant in number as they claimed. They were still rude and condescending and unwilling to fess up. Instead of saying, "oops, were are sorry. maybe we should have cleared things up a little sooner, we didn't realize it would lead to this" ... they basically kept to their ignorance and watched the ordeal take place.

Are they entitled to their opinion? Certainly. But they are public figures and with that comes a certain amount of tact that is expected of which they had none. They replied like immature teenagers trying to sound like they were clever and that's not cool. Because it puts down their 'target' audience. As small in number as it might be. In my opinion, people had a right to overreact on both sides but it was obvious that EYK took a side and added fuel to the fire instead of trying to make peace.

I've been wanting to say that for while now. (X_X) Lol.
mistressofsecrecy #2
Another author said they wee thinking of doing this and thats when it came to my attention...then I just randomly watched an EYK video...I do watch it time to time...and saw comments about this issue and thought that some people are overreacting...I don't know its your choice, your reason makes sense but I think maybe if EYK people comment/ask the author for permission it should be all right, eh? and I guess they should have mentioned it but still I can't believe how it all just went into this explosion of rudeness from all the sides...
Thats why I don't get too into anything...someone and everyone creates an issue at sometime just because of some people overthinking about it :(

I saw aff and all this because of looking up a random fanfic people were commenting on youtube ...that when I read I was amazed by how fans were actually...'fangirling' about...ships and stuff...but then I kept reading and got into it 'cause I saw that I got to read such amazing stories and read material from people from all over the world...locking all that stuff...not only you but other authors for whatever reason stops it from growing, I don't know if thats a good thing or a bad thing...nothing is black and white, you know.. :/ I still can't believe this started form EYK...not saying that they are bad but people just amaze me

If you find anything offensive or disagreeable , I'm sorry I just yeah not good at expressing myself in the right way I guess nor do I wish to follow this issue...headache...
These are my thoughts exactly. Just because we post stories on a fanfic website, it doesn't mean we want them shared outside the website. EYK stated that they weren't actually going to take fanfics for a video but instead make a video about fanfic culture -__- Why couldn't they have stated that before instead of their previous tweet about sending in fanfics? Makes no sense doesn't it? Some EYK fans are really starting to bug me on here. They're saying it's our fault for 'overreacting', but shouldn't Simon and Martina be blamed somewhat for this fiasco? Yes some authors are bashing them I'm not defending those type of authors, but simply stating 'Please don't submit our fics' is not overreacting or bashing Simon and Martina. Some Nasties put EYK on this high pedestal, acting like Simon and Martina are always right when in reality they are not.