
"Words can be powerful. They have the power to end a life, or to save a life. So be careful what comes out of your mouth.

"Make a difference. It doesn’t have to be anything big; even small gestures can change a person’s life for the better."

"If you are being bullied or you witness someone else being bullied, tell someone. Keeping it to yourself will do you no good.

 "Self-harm and suicide is never an answer. Get help, talk to somebody: a professional or a responsible adult that you trust."

"If you ever feel depressed or plain sad, just remember:

Smile, you’re beautiful. ♥"



idk I got it from a friend (: so... I guess I'm trying to be deep for once? I'm not good at it id rather make jokes :3 


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But sometimes we need to be deep. Joking around is fun but we have to be serious once in a while.
LOL I'm not good at being deep either. Sep! xD