Application form for Alexseskim's first apply fic^^(Sparkle)



Username: MBTupan

AFF link: *Click Here*

Nickname: Bianca



** About You **



character name - Park Min Rin


nicknames - Minnie & Rain


stage name - (No stage name)


persona - Dancing Angel, Quiet Girl


position -

Lead Dancer

Main Vocal



birthday - July 21, 1993


blood type - AB


height & weight - 160.2 cm(height)

48 kg(weight)


birthplace - Busan,South Korea


ethnicity - half Korean/half Filipino

** Appearance **


name of ulzzang used- Alodia Gosiengfiao(she isn't an ulzzang but, she looks like one^^)


pictures of the ulzzang used - one || two

name of backup ulzzang - Song Ah Ri

pictures of backup ulzzang used - one || two


Your style -


Casual: one || two || three



Formal: one || two || three



Training: one || two || three



Dorm: one || two || three


** Details **



personality - Min Rin is a nice girl but, if you mess with her she'll turn the opposite. She is smart, adorable and loving but, she's very weird... she likes to be alone and if you don't talk to her she won't talk to you unless, she thinks your an interesting person, she can tell a person's personality even in first meetings by their aura and their gestures, she can tell whether your lying or not, and sometimes it creeps people out and tends to stay away from her.  Min Rin is very sensitive and she can't take jokes easily, she gets mad but controls it and on the end of the day she cries quietly by herself in her room.

She is very reliable and but at the same time she can't trust anyone easily, Min Rin can forget easily even if it just happened 3-4 hours ago, so it makes her easy to move on, when she said she doesn't consider you as part of her life, then she will get you out of her life, Min Rin is a girl who do what she says and doesn't give up easily, she's not much of a talker because she hates talkative people, it irritates her, that's why she's a loner. She is a nature person and she loves animals.She doesn't like wearing dresses and you have to force her to wear one, she hates girly stuffs, especially pink and too much make-up.


likes -






-Being alone

-Learning new things






dislikes  -


 -Talkative people





-FC people (Feeling Close)




-Listening to music


-Playing Computer


-Taking pictures of nature/places




Habits: -Drawing to many cartoon characters, specially animes

-Not talking, she can stay there in the corner not talking for 24 hours and not get bored

-Biting Nails

-Looking Around, even when she is not new to the place...that's why she cans spot if there's anything missing

-Sleeping and Sleeping XDD


Fears- Fire(huge ones like a campfire or something)

Bugs(esp. cockraoches)


trivia  -


 -She came from a rich family.

-Has a scary look when first met.

-Can rap so fast

-Has 1 older brother and 1 younger sister

-Favorite Color is Black

-She can stay in the corner as long as possible without speaking.

fanclub name - MINinisters




which group? girl group


suggestion for the group name? Lewana meaning 'Shining'


group fanbase name? Lesath it's a star name so when you put the group's name and the fanbase it'll be

Shining Star :) 



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