Update on EatYourKimchi

today, they uploaded a video, a new  (discussing interesting contemporary slang).  it was this video that they intended to use the fanfics for.  it's not actually ex. english teachers simon and martina (seriously did anyone remember that) who talked in these videos, it's their employee/intern soozee and leigh.  in the video, they talk about fanfiction slang like OTP, slash, oneshot, etc.  in the blogpost that goes along with the video, they said this.  (i will copy paste to get the actual content but ill link it below)


Hey guise. Martina here. Remember when we asked you this:

We wanted to share some of your favourite kpop fanfics for this post, which we thought would be appropriate given the topic. I am an avid fanfic reader myself, and I know that it can take a loooong time to scan, read, and flip through various fanfic communities in search of a favourite author or story. So, I thought I could enlist your help in finding some of the best kpop fanfics.

We got a lot of excited tweets and emails from fans of fanfic sharing their fav stories, as well as actual authors who wanted to share their stories with us. Oddly, though, there was an explosion of people that did not share in the excitement. For example:

Yup. The kpop fanfic community freaked out, shut down, and imploded over one tweet. People panicked over their assumptions about what we would create, over a video of ours that didn’t actually exist, since we were never going to made a review of fan fiction. All this fear and anger coming out of misconstrued conclusions formed in the rumour mill and passed along Tumblr. LET THIS BE A LESSON ON THE DANGERS OF GOSSIP!

We even got emails and tweets from people demanding that we must first ask permission before we use any fan fiction, as if they knew what we were going to do to begin with. When we responded to these people and linked them to our tweets, they had various responses like, “Oh, I don’t have twitter so I didn’t see that” or “I don’t follow you on twitter” or “oh I read about your filming in a forum”. Whut? So you didn’t even see our tweets, but you form conclusions and thought the worst without even looking into it?

After that we realized there was clearly no point of putting up another tweet explaining our actual intentions since:
A) Angry people don’t seem to listen to what we say anyway. They just like being angry and wading through Outrage
B) This video was coming out soon and would just explain it all away.

So if you’re one of the people who freaked out at us over the implosion of the Kpop Fanfic world, do some research first before you come to conclusions from secondhand accounts. And for those of you that locked up your once totally public fanfic accounts, be freeeeee knowing that we have zero interest in making a video reviewing your fanfic writing skills. We simply wanted to share your work with other readers. Now, everyone take a deep breath and put your stories back up online because you have fans that really want to read your stories. Or, more importantly, if online privacy is important to you, take more steps to ensure your privacy and the protection of your work, or – well – just don’t post stuff online if you’re afraid of online commentary.

cr. eyk

---- everything up from here was on official's blog(i asked to copy and paste and whatnot so dont worry)


Alot of good stories /were/ deleted/hidden.

It's quite said, but everyone was freaking out for no reason.

I did have the thought of 'what if they aren't going to review the stories', but I just never said anything(expect to one person).

Now that I see that they didn't have any intention to read and make fun of the stories...

It just makes me feel so ing... mad?

Because authors deleted their ing stories.

I don't know where i'm going with this tbh.

I just wanted everyone to know what actually happened.


Oh btw.

I'm not on of those people that thinks eyk is just so disrepectful.

I mean, they are sometimes, but I know they have good talks about things.

I know that(unlike some people>>).

I don't like them for two other reaons  as well, so this does not change my feelings towards them, ok?


That is all.

Have a nice day.


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can we just all think that somewhere in the world the "deleted" fics are hidden in a file folder.. maybe they've been deleted online, but i doubt that the authors would do something so drastic like deleting their fics without making copies on their computer. let's just all calm down..

Kpop used to be so fun when everyone was just getting along; with rainbows and glitters now its just like saggy sad s who bounces up and down and is happy only when there are comebacks and even then its still a little sad cos its still saggy.
Well, I think a lot of people handled this really stupidly, tbh. I mean, as a fanfic writer myself—I'm putting out super public things for people to read. There is ALWAYS the possibility that I'll get bashed. If your confidence level is so low that you'll actually delete your fics for something as irrelevant as EYK, then wow. Just wow. Idek what to say. It's just sad to me. And there was a huge post about the fact that THEY WERE GOING TO ASK THE WRITER BEFORE CITING ANY OF HIS/HER WORKS. I don't even have a Twitter, and I saw that. Sad. Just sad.

Surprisingly, there wasn't that much hype in the yuri realm. No one I knew locked up their fics or anything. Interesting, sort of. I wonder why... that's an interesting thought, actually. We were all pretty chill for some reason.
i was really surprised at the blow-up actually because i like EYK but ofc rumours spread and i got confused
i did however check out their twitter and i was wondering why everyone was so freaked out when they tweeted that they wouldn't use any fics without permission?
idk i'm mainly upset over anterograde tomorrow being hidden lol
EYK aren't to blame
i still like them
i think most of the mad people lashing out at EYK are just fans of authors going alone with their anger tbh
I'm actually one of the authors who so didn't care. I love fan fiction and I'm proud to be writing here and having everyone read what I have to offer. I could care less if one of my fans sent in one of my stories. I'm not ashamed or scared about others reading my story. People overreacted and that just pisses me off. I won't mention any names, but of my favorite writers hide all their stories, because of this and now I don't even think I want to read their stories anymore.

This really wasn't a big deal and I honestly just sat back and watched as everyone panicked. Even some of my friends did and I just rolled my eyes at their foolishness. They only supported going up against EYK, because of something their friend had told them. Oh well, at least it's over and I get to thank each and everyone of my subscribers for being there for me. I'm also proud that I didn't take any of my stories away from my readers <3 Saranghae <33333

P.S. I love you DragonTopsThePanda <333 lol just thought I'd let you know xD
P.P.S I was the one who is the "le " xD
...something was going on with eyk?...shows how much I pay attention OTL
Honestly deleting your account/fics is a huge overreaction.
It's just so stupid to do that. ugh
I'm ranting lol
You want to know my honest opinion?

Who gives a ?

I for sure knew some authors who aren't popular/enough subscribers who went ape and saying not to share which would had never happened anyways, but that's fear and pretending that you're popular enough to be shared fame going to your head.

I'm not talking about you of course Jessie cause your too fab for that, but I was like whatever and who cares.

If so what? Would I cry because someone said my fic ? It wouldn't change anything vause I know it beforehand and don't expect it to be glorified like other fics. Thats my opinion.

And people who hid and deleted their fics, come on really. What would have been the probability they would have chosen it? And they are right. As long as its public people can say whatever they want to about your story.
What an overreaction. I didn't think the deleting/ hiding stories was necessary anyway.
I don't actually give a about this whole eyk thing after they updated their second tweet saying that they will ask the permission first before using. kekeke~ besides,pretty sure anyone wouldn't share out my fics. So I was just Keep Calm and Stare at Abs for these past few days. xD
See, I told you. They aren't as bad as you make them. They are actually quite amusing and funny for a 13 year old like me.
what people need to understand is that they are human beings. they arent perfect. everyone has opinions. even though some opinions are stupid, its ing life. people need to stop overreacting about them. I think they are fearless for being able to post videos about their opinion without fear...cuz you need some balls to do that.
OMG o_o
I'm so sad about this ;_; a lot of fanfics are gone now because of this D,:
AWWWW EXACTLY HOW I FEEL. :( EYK'S NOT REALLY BAD THOUGH. OTHER KPOP FANS ARE JUST REALLY CLOSE-MINDED AND THEY START OVER REACTING TO NO . -//- Other fans interpreted it wrong to the authors, thats why the authors are scared or something, I dunno.