My AFF Journey

Your AFF Journey!

Q. Tell us how and when you came across the site, what your first username was (if you remember/if it's not the one you still have) and why you continue to stay. What are some of your favorite things about the site? What's something you would love to see on the site in the future? And any other kind messages you'd like to leave! Create a graphic or a layout dedicated to the anniversary! Write a fictional story about your "adventure" coming to AFF. Whatever it may be, tag your post with #AFF5Years, as that would be the easiest way to track them all, and see if you make new friends this way.


A. Wow.....I was actually searching on Google for random fics, when I found a story about Ren on AFF! After I had thoroughly enjoyed that, I started looking for fics here. I didn't know any kpop groups then, so I didn't know what to expect....I wanted to read this one story, so I tried to click on it, but, well, it was for members only. *sigh* That's when I joined. June 4, 2013. :D My username is daggerose, because my favorite small weapon is a dagger, and my favorite flower is a rose. Hence, daggerose. I continue to stay because I really enjoy writing and sharing it with people, even though I totally at it... :P 


I hope everybody has a blessed day!


LOL = Lots Of Love




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