My opinion on the EYK issue and it's aftermath...

When the news first came about that Simon and Martina wanted us to suggest fanfictions and everyone was freaking out, I did not join in that. In fact, I thought, "If you want to read my fanfictions, go ahead, be my guest" and sent them links. However, everyone else was in a panic because they thought Simon and Martina would make a video essentially bashing their stories. Now, here's my logic for that:

1. They're ADULTS, they know right from wrong. Why would they do that?

2. Their videos are only opinions so it shouldn't matter much, right?

3. They NEVER said they were going to review them. They just wanted to use them!


But now the video is posted and everyone is calm because OH MY GOSH SIMON AND MARTINA DIDN'T DO WHAT YOU THOUGHT THEY WERE GOING TO DO BUT INSTEAD DID SOMETHING RIGHT! Now, what really bugs me about this is that I haven't seen a word of apology to them! No one has said they were sorry for assuming, calling them names, and insulting them over NOTHING! So, because the fanfiction community is no longer polite, it seems, I will start:


Simon and Martina, if you are reading this (which I doubt you are), I would like to apologize on behalf of the fanfic community for what they have done to you.


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Me too, I apologize and had no problem with it