Why EYK wanted your fanfics

Dude they didn't even reference to specific fics

Okay then

You guys can unprivate your stuff now

I believe the coast is clear


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It was kind of idiotic to overreact in the first place. They did say they wouldn't talk about fics if the author didn't want them to, basically a simple no from the author would've sufficed. Not all the two hundred blogs I read of people complaining when they had nothing to worry about to begin with. Shrugs.
They could've just mentioned it in the tweet so that authors wouldn't freak the out.
Loljkjk #3
Gag Concert is the stuff!
놈놈놈 is my favorite skit!
And king of ratings is next.
ps. 'shipping' isn't exclusive to fan fiction, is it? i've heard many non ff readers use the term just meaning they LIKE this otp or pairing overall. nothing to do with fictional stories about them.
I think people had the right to be at least cautious about this. I'm glad EYK aren't going to use them for the wrong purposes at least...
They never even said they were going to review fics or whatever in the first place so people were overreacting