Luminata Application

General info-

Name: Shin SeoHyun

English name: Grayson Shin

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Ethnicity: Korean

Languages: Fluent – Japanese & English | Learning – Korean & French

Family: Shin SeungHyun– 40 – Father // He’s a forensic scientist. He also works with the police.// Mature, quiet-spoken & polite. He takes work seriously but is always around to be there for his family.

Shin JooNa– 38 – Mother // She is a debuting actress// Very calm and quiet. She loves everything nature-wise and is down-to-earth. She is the reason why SeoHyun is very neat and precise about things.


Shin HyunSeok– 20 – Brother – Calm, positive & mature// Lives in New York City// He works as a male model. //

Shin YeJin–16 – Younger Twin Sister//Cold, distant, tomboy-ish, yet supportive, loving and quiet. // She works as a martial arts teacher.//

Shin RinYeon– 14 – Sister – Has Autism// Very childish and likes hanging around SeoHyun

Shin MiHye– 2 – Sister – A very quiet baby// Doesn’t like people outside of the family.

Personality: SeoHyun doesn’t act like the average teenage boy. He feels as if he was never really born, for an odd reason. He just doesn’t feel natural around many people. He doesn’t enjoy sports at all, but if forced hard enough, he’ll do them. He’s quite lazy and doesn’t like moving too much unless it has to do with break dancing. SeoHyun practices his dancing frequently and is very phenomenal. Whenever he dances, he has to be perfect so he can show his family how experienced he’s become in something he loves. He’s always loved the vicious types of animals and the darker colors, like blues and grays. SeoHyun isn’t much of a talker. He thinks it wastes breath to strike a conversation with someone, especially if they’re trying to start a fight with insulting and teasing. If someone did initiate a fight with him, he’d just ignore them or tell them to believe what they want to believe. It won’t affect his mood. SeoHyun could care less about what others had to say about him, whether it be positive or negative.

He is a very independent person. He hates when people try to help him.He doesn’t like being pitied on and hates having others help him. If you try to assist him in anything, if it’s a project or if he’s injured in any way, he’ll never accept anyone’s help. If you are persistent in trying to helping him, he’ll either brush you off or just accept you, and you might even become friends in a way. SeoHyun thinks that everyone should be able to fend for them self in this ‘Dog Eat Dog’ world, it’s the only way to survive. He’s somewhat hypocritical because, even though he doesn’t accept help from anyone, he’ll help others if they aren’t on his bad side, like queenkas who bully, etc. He wouldn’t talk to them afterwards either, it’s not really any of his concern anyway.


Looks: Kang Hyuk Min
Pictures of him with his brother HyunSeok and/or twin sister YeJin:

Group info-

Stage name: Xion

Persona: The Wallflower Boy

Fanclub name: Sins

Fanclubcolors: Silver and Onyx


- SungYeol[Best Friend], MyungSoo & SungJong (Infinite)
- Kevin Woo (UKISS)
- Park JiYoung/GaHee (After School)
- Eddie Shin (Aziatix)
- Yoo ChangHyun/Ricky (Teen Top)
- Shin YeJin [Younger Twin Sister/Best Friend]


Rivals: Yong Junhyung (B2ST)

Height: 184 cm

Weight: 52 kg

Extra info you would like to share:
- Birthday – Dec 13th, 1993
- Fan club item: Ring
- His favorite Jacket: Jacket
- Favorite Drink: Thai Tea boba
- Favorite Food: Onigiri
- Favorite Color: Crimson
- Matching tattoo on wrist with YeJin: Tattoo
- Specialty: Speed Rapping and Break Dancing


- Cats

- Ghosts

- Musical Arts

- Fire

- Dogs

- Jewelry

- Depressing Music


- Pink

- Vampires

- Extreme Heat

- Cake

- Discrimination

- Smoking

- Video Games

- Harassment/Bullying


- Reading

- Break dancing

- Coloring

- Online Shopping

- Styling girls’ hair


- Rubbing forehead

- When he’s angry, he’ll growl like a dog

- When he’s tired, he blinks hard

- He’ll make hand gestures when he’s bored talking to someone

- Pointing to his fingers like gun and saying ‘bang’

- Acting like ‘L’ from Death Note


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OHMIGOD YOU KNOW DEATH NOTE!!!! HOW AWESOME IS L!?!?! and yeah i love the character ^.^