How to stop friends who loved littering

Have you guys ever asked your friends not to litter everywhere? There's one time when my friend threw a can of juice in front of the cleaner lady and I chocked him. Why did he do that?! I asked him and here what he answered me:


Me: Why did you do that to that cleaning lady?! It's seriously the worst attitude ever, bro!

Friend: Well, I'm just helping her to do her work. If there's no one like me then that lady won't be able to do her work! And she would lost her occupation. *make a seriously, extremely, freakingly sad tone*

Me: Yeah, but...

Friend: And! She couldn't let her children to eat. When they don't eat, they will get skinnier and skinnier. When they get skinnier, they will suffer from anorexia! When they suffer, they will die. When they died, that woman would depress! When that woman depressed, she will die too. And that's the ending of their blood related on this Earth. That's why, me, as a responsible citizen, helped that woman.

Me: -.- Bro, Let me tell you something, tha woman is not young anymore. She couldn't do more with that kind of body. And you just make her condition worse. What if that was your mom?! Would you say something like this?!

Friend: Well, I cannot imagine that. And that's why BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA 

Me: (This guy is definitely a nagger) Okay, now shut that mouth of yours!! -.- What if your girlfriend saw it? 

Friend: She never see it 

Me: Do it once more and I will tell your girlfriend about your badass attitude >:D

Friend: FINE!! -__- *Went in front of that lady and said sorry* 


Sometimes, I wondered what type of engine did he use for his mouth. -.- Such a noisy person. Well, at least he won't throw rubbish rudely in front of that cleaning lady anymore. 


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Loljkjk #1
A wild litterbug appears.
Frez_Lay used girlfriend.
It's super effective!
Woah. Respect!!! o7
Haha, gf works best!
Anjalie #4
great work
Bwahaha. you use the girlfriend to get to him.
I hate people who are major s to cleaners.
QStella #6
Haha, gd job!
All thanks to you ^^ <*claps*>