Tagged by the-mini-flute


Rule 1: Post the rules 
Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagged asked you, then make 11 new ones
Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to this post
Rule 4: Let them know you've tagged them



1.) Favortie Disney movie? (if you don't have one I will find you)

'Frozen', 'Brave' and 'Tangled'.

2.) If your entire life were to be narrated, who would you have it narrated by?

 By God. ._.

3.) If you had the option to create a new holiday, when would it be and what would it be celebrating?

October 10th for Victory Day. :)

4.) What's your favorite type of chair? (i.e. fluffly beanbag, sophisticated leather, ect.)

Fluffly Sofa. 

5.) Favorite sound?

All of music instrument sounds.

6.) If you had the tardis for a day, what would you do with it? (if you live under a rock, the tardis is a time machine on *cough on of the greatest shows in the world cough* Doctor Who)

I don't know about tardis before. But let me answer it, teleport to other place only in the blink of eye.

7.) Favorite TV show? 

'Glee' and all of 'CSI'

8.) Are you more of a large group person or a two or three friends kind of person?

Two or three friends kind of person.

9.) Have you ever been to any concerts? If you have, which ones?

Nope. :'(

10.) What is your name, address, and social security number? *just kidding don't arrest me~ Favorite time period?

School break time and after school time.

11.) Would you rather go to Camp Half-Blood or Hogwarts?


Same like yesterday, too lazy to tagging anyone. Sorry. :)




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