Robotic Dreams- "If you want to know how I would define the title.  I'd say it is a term for a dream for a person like a robot. A person  who dreams of something so sad; that they loose their ability to  show their feelings in reality and get called machine, or robot." -


001: Subscribe and don't Un-subscribe. Up-Votes are great, but not a must.

002: Comment after filling in the form.

003: Credit in the foreword. Use Graphics for about a month, [or forever <3]

004: Character Limit is five. [One group counts as two. If big group, counts as four ].

005:HQ photos,I photos do not fit, the designer is allowed to change them.

006:  No story No Graphic. So please do upload story before requesting.

007: Magic words would be your BIAS and his GROUP/ BAND.

008: No bashing or rushing. Re-do's only once.

009: If canceling request, cancel quickly. We don't want to do anything for nothing.



Contents: •Staff || List of Request || PickUps/A/Ns



•Graphic Form

•Graphic Designer Application Form

I'm also thinking of having a co-author/co-owner






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That's a such a good layout! In our next revamp... how about using it? :D