Eat Your Kimchi Fanfic Request

Eat Your Kimchi (a Canadian couple that does reviews of kpop MVs and talks about life in South Korea) tweeted yesterday:

"What’s your fav kpop fanfic? Send us a link to it and we juuuuust might use it for an upcoming video ~(^◇^)/"

Immediately, they were met with kpop fans going ballistic and saying "oH u dont have the right to review these fanfics!!! stay away11!!1"

They followed it up with a tweet saying "Fanfic community: be at ease. We won't use anyone's fanfics without the author's permission. Fair? :)". To which more people started whining and complaining and screaming their heads off.

Can I just make a few points? First, they never said they were going to REVIEW them. They just said they were going to use them in their next video, which means they might throw a few references around.

Second, EYK explicitly stated that they would ASK the authors before using their stories. An author of a fanfic has the right to do whatever they want with their story! They can give permission for people to use it in videos, translate it into different languages, and more. Why are other people criticizing EYK for this? I'm confused? Plus, if authors don't want to share their stories, that's alright too! They'll be asking authors first, so it's okay.

I wish people would stop blindly getting mad without knowing all the facts. I don't know all the details about what EYK's going to do with the stories, but I'm not raging at them. Plus, they're going to ask the authors' permission first. While asking their permission, I'm sure EYK will explain what they are going to do.

Thanks for listening to my rant lolol :DD if you wanna correct me on something I said in the rant, please feel free to :) i love u sugar pumpkin spice lattes




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I love eat your kimchi off topic.i know :-D
I'm okay with EYK. But a lot of others aren't. EYK usually takes something and makes a joke out of it. The rarely take anything seriously from what I've seen. But I haven't seen nor do I know everything about them so I have no right to judge. Most people are just afraid of their fanfics being taken as a joke.
Me too !! I was always okay w eyk.. idk why the kpop fans are getting so worked up towards this... everybody just thinks that they will make fun of their fics and all when nothing is said..
Wow, I guess this is a really big deal since I keep seeing this issue everywhere now O_O I understand why the fanfic authors are freaking out though because EYK might make fun of their fanfics. EYK can be pretty offensive... I'm subscribed to them, but I don't really watch enough videos to judge them. However, one case where fans were raging about was in the Kpop Music Monday with BAP, BTOB, and BTS where Martina said BAP stands for B***h A** P*ss**s because the BAP members kept crying in their music video. I'm not a fan of BAP, but I can see why BAP fans are offended by that. I understand what you mean when you say that it shouldn't be a problem with the fanfics being used with the authors' permission. However, I really wonder how EYK is going to incorporate fanfics into their videos without making fun of them since they are popular for their comedy and humor. Some of their videos are really hilarious though which is what keeps me subscribed to them. (: