About the EYK Business

I'm sure a great majority, if not all of you, are aware that EYK is going around asking for favorite fanfics. I am asking you, not only for myself but also on behalf of many many MANY other authors, please kindly do NOT send in fics. As a matter of fact, please kindly do not send in anything anywhere if you do not have absolute approval and consent from the author. Many people aren't comfortable with their work being thrown out into the open so easily, especially without permission. Many authors are locking their accounts and stories for a while (some maybe even forever) to ensure that their fics do not get spread so easily - especially to EYK as EYK is known to do quite a few things that make others uncomfortable. Please do not be a part of the group that makes an author or anyone else feel uncomfortable. Understand that many authors post fics because they enjoy having an outlet for their feels (like me), because they want to improve their writing, want to show their work OF THEIR OWN ACCORD, and many many many other reasons. Writers are people. Please treat and respect them as such. Do not repost fics if they choose to lock them, and ask permission before recommending them somewhere. Please y'all, it's only right. 

Thanks for reading, Lovelies. Now please kindly remember what is said here.

EYK - Eat Your Kimchi


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