♔ Primadonna - 조 소오 민 Jo Soo Min


Primadonna !









Username : -sunset

Nickname : Aleyna

Activity Level : nine out of ten


Full Name 조 소오 민 Jo Soo Min


 (Bunny) used by Bambam because he says she is very fast at learning things and also has a cute nose
 ↳ (Turtle) used by Jackson. Unlike Bambam, Jackson thinks Soomin is slow and lazy like a real turtle
 ↳ (Minnie) used by her brothers only, they call her this to annoy her

 ↳ (Melody) used by fans, it's her stage name

Date of Birth : 24th September, 1997

Age : 16 years old

Birthplace & Hometown : Incheon South Korea & Incheon South Korea

Bloodtype : AB


Languages spoken :

 (Korean) Native Speaker, she was born and raised in Korea
↳ (English) Basic. She learned it in her trainee years
↳ (Mandarin) Still learning





Who Are You?

Faceclaim : Sung Kyung

Pictures : click me!

Back Up Faceclaim : Yun Ju

Pictures : click me!

Height & Weight : 167cm & 50kg

Style & Appearance There's a reason why Soomin is known as 'Conceited Fashionista', she has indeed a very glamorous style that screams 'beauty' everytime you look at her. Without knowing or caring much about it, the girl has a famous fashion sense among her group of friends. She likes to choose different style of clothes as join them all. The result could come out as odd, but in fact, it looks really good on her. She doesn't like to dress very dark clothes, she prefers the white, baby blue, pink and so one, kind of bubbly style. She is very girly and you will see it in the paterns she normally choses: flowers, butterflies, bows. When people look at Soomin, they can clearly see that she looks comfortable with her clothes, because even when she dresses formaly, she can put a pair of converses and still look fabulous. In her casual style, she is the typical teenager girl. Skinny jeans, t-shirts, converses...nothing too fancy. When she is in home, she will wear hoddies, big size hoddies, so she can freely move inside them. As a girl that loves to look good, Soomin is completly crazy over shoes and owns a huge collection of the them.


What I Am Like?


Soomin is one of the easiest member to read in my opinion, so you probably won’t get any startling revelations or shocking news about her, because in a lot of ways “what you see is what you get” with her. She’s simple. To Soomin, the world is very black and white. For her, I think there is good and there is bad and if you fall under her good side she will treat you with her incredibly inspiring goodness, but at the same time it should be also said that Soomin - while seeing the world at black and white colors - is not opposed to shades of gray and part of the reason she has grown so close to the other girls is that they have taught her about those sort of ‘gray areas’. She is always looking for ways to compromise, to meet in the middle. I get the sense that she is one of those people who see the positive side in everyone and you would never hear her bad mouthing friends or anything of that sorts. It’s very refreshing to know that when she’s being nice it’s not because she has to be, it’s because she is legitimately the sweet and caring person that we see on a daily basis. One of the most interesting things about Soomin is her friend choice. If we look at her two bestfriends, Jackson and Mirae, we can see they are often egocentric and ually suggestive. It’s not infrequent I see people talk about how Soomin is so naive and she misses all the ual innuendos or whatnot. Well I beg to differ. I’m certain she knows exactly what is going on, she just doesn’t choose to acknowledge it. They are different, indeed, but their friendship work pretty well because they can balance each other out. Jackson and Mirae seem quicker to judge people while Soomin (as I mentioned earlier) is more open to focusing on the good things, and friendships need that.
You must be thinking: why do I even need to know her friends personality? Well, I think it’s important to look at her friends when you talk about Soomin, because the people you surround yourself with says a lot about you. I also think this in one way accounts for the reasons she is the sober one at parties or ‘the serious one’ when it comes to certain things. In part it has to do with the her kidney issues, because when your health is threatened you suddenly treat your body a lot better than you would otherwise, but to a greater extent she is like that because she is looking out for her friends. She seems to be too concerned about her friends well being than focusing on her own enjoyment and I think one of the reasons she is the leader and mother of the band is because she’s always done it growing up with her younger brothers at home. She is very mature to her age.
Out of all the members, she is the most concerned about the influence they have on fans. She makes the most effort to be a good role model for the fans and gets concerned about their schooling and if they are staying up really late and I think she genuinely worries if she thinks that is because of them,  that fans are affected. In the same way she often reiterates that she wants fans to be safe, and while she isn’t the only girl to do this, she’s often the one doing it the most frequent. On a negative side, she also seems to be the one who stresses the most over making sure everyone knows that they want to be out there to see the fans, and they want to come out to say hi. She always goes to her twitter and says something nice to the fans, apologizing for not being able to meet them because sometimes there’s too many people and it can create damage to the group’s safety. Also, if you know Soomin well enough, you know you can’t talk about her without mentioning Bambam, as even herself has said that “he makes her, her”. There is a maturity in their relationship that is admirable. They don’t really have a lot of moments in public, they rarely talk about each other in interviews, but there’s this Instagram account they share, full of pictures of both of them on their daily life, that shows how he really was made to be with her and vice versa. They love each other, indeed. Soomin is very protective, especially towards anyone who seems in need of protection. We see this in how she deals with young fans, always making sure people are safe and looked after, but we also see this in the way he deals with all the girls from Primadonna! However, Soomin can be very possessive of those she loves the most, refusing to accept that anyone but herself knows what is best for her friends. Believe me when I say that she is indeed, pretty calm and collected but once you start to make pressure on a certain bunch of nerves, she will be the worst you have ever seen, and she is not afraid to get into a physical fight if it means that she can protect her pride and protect her other half: family and friends. But in most cases, she wouldn’t say anything, she would hold all the emotions inside until it completely blew over. She is also very modest, sometimes even too much. She is obviously talented in a lot of ways, but she will always think that she is not good enough. She is the first one to arrive at practice room and she will be for sure the last one leaving.




↳ summer rain (she can't explain why, she just loves it, it's refreshing)
↳ herself (she can be a bit vain and conceited)
↳ food (she is with no doubt the shikshin of the group)
↳ video games ( she can spend more than 10 hours in front of a computer, playing games)
↳ photography (she has a canon that goes with her everywhere)
↳ horror movies (doesn't feel scared, just excited)
↳ guitars (her grandfather gave her a beautiful guitar that has more than 80 years already)
skinship (she loves showing affection through touches)


Dislikes :

↳ violence (it really gets on her nerves all the time)
↳ backstabbers (fake people are a big no)
↳ being bothered (when she is deep in her thoughts she hates being bothered for no reason)
↳ fish (she thinks it doesn't taste good and she always feels hungry after eating it)
↳ bad internet connection (probably one of the things she hates the most)
↳ small places (she will feel sufocated)
↳ crowded places (people bumping against her? No thanks)
people touching her things (she will literally hit you)



↳ she believes in God
↳ if she could be an animal for a day, she would be a fly to spy on others without being seen
↳ her favourite movie is 'The Day After Tomorrow' she knows all the lines

↳ her celebrity crush is Leonardo Dicaprio
↳ she is also a big fan of Jennifer Lawrence
↳ Shinhwa are her role models
↳ she had braces for 5 years
↳ allergic to watermelon
↳ she appeared in Boyfriend's 'Janus' and 'I YAH' MV as well as  GOT7's 'Girls Girls Girls'
↳ former YG Entertainment trainee
↳ was supposed to debut as an actress only
↳ she wants to work with Daniel Henney in the future
↳ if possible she wants to go to Tomorrowland with her band members someday
↳ says that was really hard for her to keep a straight face while filming 'Janus' because she needed to act like the twins lover and she was very embarrassed because they are her older brothers.
↳ still doesn't understand why fans call her 'Conceited Fashionista'
↳ on the day of Primadonna's showcase, Soomin was so nervous that she threw up
↳ her ideal type is Bi Rain
↳ she was a student under Seoul of Performing Arts

↳ she has a princess attitude sometimes, and her members say that it's because she's the only girl amongst her siblings.


My Life

Background Jo Soomin was born in South Korea, Seoul, into a typical Korean family. Her parents both had successful jobs so money never was a problem for them. Growing up, Soomin had a fairly normal childhood. She is the youngest in the family, having three older brothers, two of them are twins, known as 'The Jo Twins' from the group Boyfriend. Soomin reportedly learned guitar in the eighth grade. In her last year of junior high, Soomin learned both classic guitar and how to play the piano. She is a student under Seoul of Performing Arts majoring in Singing. Soomin was a Superstar K2 contestant, finishing in third place. During her time on the show, she wrote two songs "I'll Write You a Letter" and "Instinctively", and she was pretty popular for her vocals skills and talent to compose. After initial success with Superstar K2, CEO Yang Hyun Suk signed Soomin to YG Entertainment on January 12, 2010. She was enrolled in dance and acting classes, including modeling classes as well. Her journey as an artist was already big before debut, and it became even bigger with her role in the drama "I Hear Your Voice" where the young girl plays the role of a young version of Hyesung, the main character. Soomin also appeared in Dream High!, a Korean television series, portraying the role of Go Hyemi. In 2013, she was casted as Lee Bo-na in the Heirs and also appeared in a episode of 'You Who Came From the Stars' as a cameo.  After a year of training under YG Entertainment, she moved to JYP where she finally debuted with Primadonna in 2014.


Jo Won Bin | Father | Doctor | 9-10 | wise, caring, down to earth, funny

Lee Han Na | Mother | Surgeon | 9-10 | motherly, trustworthy, talented, understanding

Jo Youngmin | Brother | Idol | 10-10 | reserved, vain, smart, shy

Jo Kwangmin | Brother | Idol | 10-10 | dork, playful, smart, conceited

Jo Hyun Min | Brother | High School Student | 10-10 | childish, clumsy, adorable, flirty


Pets: Chimera


The Other Side Of Me

Stage Name : Melody

Position: Main Vocalist, Lead Dancer, 2nd Maknae

Back Up Position: Main Rapper, Sub-Dancer, Visual, Vocalist

Trainee Years: 4 years

Rival: Jia from MISS A

Would You mind To Be Added Later To The Group: No!





Kunpimook Bhuwakul



Personality You know how vanilla ice cream is sweet and simple yet popular enough that everyone likes it? That’s how you can describe Bambam. He likes to keep to himself and when people try talking to him he occasionally will shy away from them because he had built a shell around himself, although he has a shy personality he does have the occasional times where he’d have the soft burst of confidence and he’ll go up to someone and introduce himself to get to know them and make friends. His social skills aren’t the best and occasionally he might just seem so meek it’s a bit off putting and annoying which he doesn’t try to be, he just has her fear of someone trying to hurt him that he’s scared of the most. When he is on stage, his personality changes drastically, he becomes y, not afraid to follow the music. Bambam is also very funny, sometimes maybe too much, he likes to make lame jokes. People will eventually laugh even if the jokes are not funny at all.


My Love Life

How you interact When people see Bambam and Somin together they will probably say something like ‘oh my God, what a cute couple’, however they are not! When they are together they are like the cat and the mouse, she keeps teasing him while he does the same. Constantly calling Soomin a short pig, Bambam knows how to get on her nerves, either by doing nasty comments or stealing innocent kisses from her cheeks from time to time and then run away. Apart from being always fighting, they know how to protect each other with everything they have. They know each other as they know the back of their hands. Their friendship comes first.

How you met Bambam and Soomin met in the most normal way possible: through someone else. In their case, it was through the Jackson that both of them started to see each other. Let's just say that Jackson thought that his band member would look good with his bestfriend and that's how everything started. Nothing fancy, nothing worth of a romantic story in a drama, but something normal, yeah. They know each other since almost forever, in schol Bambam and Soomin were already walking around with ingers intertwined and smiles on their faces, no they never dated before, but he was her first kiss and vice versa. Yes, they do like each other very much, but they can't afford losing their dream job because of love, maybe in the future, who knows.

Do you want to end up with your love interest : Yes!

What do you want to happen between them during the story: 
- Bambam teaches Soomin some Thai words and they both end up kissing!
- Bambam and Soomin cook together, she accidentally burns the food and he scolds her for that! She stays upset with him, so they end up cuddling later!

- Bambam and Soomin have a duet together with the song 'Some' by Soyu and Junggigo at Musick Bank!
- Pillow Fight !


Love Rival: Jackson Wang

Back Up Love Interest: Im Jaebum (JB)


Up To You

Suggestions : None!

Comments : I hope you like her!

Password? : my babies <3




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