Feel free to send my fanfics to EYK

I like reviews, be it harsh or not, I don't care. I think it would be really fun to see what they think of my fanfics, actually, so feel free if you want to <3 Only thing I'm concerned about is most everything becomes amusing/bad when read outloud :P Trust me, I read to my mom sometimes and Nancy Drew and Harry Potter wound up being incredibly funny at points it really shouldn't have been XD But here's hoping if mine is used it'll wind up being good...I mean, I've already sent in my Count To Five story merely because 90% of the authors I would have recommended don't want me to XD Alright, back to school now...


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I understand why people are really worried about it and I kind of agree with them, but if your cool with EYK, then I think that's great! Honestly, I kind of think it would be a great [cheap] promo opportunity. No such thing as bad press they say! I think ... I can't remember that phrase very well.
lol, this was my reaction as well. (like anyone would ever send mine though haha)
no such thing as bad publicity for me \o/