AFF Rumors

AFF deactivated my account!

Wrong. Mods can ban your account, not deactivate. No one knows your password, unless you give it away.


Mods banned me for no reason!

Wrong. Mods can be penalized if they ever did this. Not only do they study the evidence, they also consult with other mods. So if you were banned, it means more than one mod came to that conclusion. Read the ToU, I bet you don't even know which rule you broke.


All great authors are moving to LJ because of this s**** site.

Wrong. I searched AFF in google and saw that other than those two (codename: star), one plagiarized and the other posted restricted content. Author-nim isn't that great after all. Like I said, users don't get banned for no reason.


AFF features EXO fics.

Wrong. An algorithm picks the featured fics based on upvotes made over a span of time. It's just that users upvote EXO fics - not all though, only popular pairings. 


(I know there are more...)


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Code name: Star ;)
Gee I wonder who that is lol
I still haven't forgotten about those two and their ridiculous shenanigans
I second and agree with all these.
What is LJ? And who are the people who moved? If you can tell me that is, I don't want to put you in a rough spot for answering my questions.
If there was a 'Like' button on here, I'd like this a thousand times over ^^; All of these are very true. And I swear, if one more person complains about AFF becoming 'ExoFF' -___- *sighs* they really do need to stop whining. And as for the banning thing if you were banned it's probably for a good reason, though there are some mods that can let the power go to their heads they're taken care of instantly.
"All great authors are moving to LJ because of this s**** site."

The whole LJ/AFF quality discussion has gotten out of hand, tbh. When those two 'high-profile' (for lack of a better word) left, it triggered a lot of unnecessary AFF hate. It pains me that some people don't give a story an honest chance just because it's posted on AFF.
All these are eye-roll worthy.

I think I spoke to someone one time about their former account being deactivated, and AFF wouldn't allow them to reactivate it. And I was kind of like... well, I actually thought that only the user that holds that account and whoever they've given their password to has the ability to activate or deactivate their account. Can't you just sign back in to reactivate?