Tagged by Teenwolf

Rule 1: Post the rules 
Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagged asked you, then make 11 new ones
Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to this post
Rule 4: Let them know you've tagged them





1. What’s something you wish everyone knew about you?

Haha, my personal fun facts are all quite boring.. I love Disney and Harry Potter? 

2. What are some of the first things you do in the morning?

I am really not a morning person, so I usually just lie in bed until last minute, and then get up, get dressed in whatever, brush my teeth and think about sleep

3. What’s the worst thing that’s ever happened to you?

LOL in fifth grade I got an A- on a project instead of an A and I cried it was awful (worse thing that happened to me)

4. Do you cry easily?

It's embarrassing how emotional I can get, I manage to sob through most movies and when I witness other people crying, I cry too

5. How do you feel about public speaking?

Hehe, I'm on the speech and debate club at school so I'm alright with it? Nothing I'm too worried about

6. Do you like to talk on the phone?

NOPe-- my voice sounds awful In recordings and through the phone //hides

7. How many emails do you get each week, roughly?

My school emails everything to us so maybe a fitful a day plus my other personal email, around 20 a day

8. If someone were to make a movie about your life, who would you hope would play you?

Myself ^^ haha no, ummm I'm Asian so most likely an Asian actress. I've been told I look Korean so maybe... I dunno, a short Asian lady (if I was white (not trying to be racist btw, just stating facts) is choose Jennifer Lawrence or Emma Watson or Tom Felton or Orlando Bloom... Johnny Depp works too

9. What’s one of your favorite questions to ask new friends or to get a conversation going?

so... I'm the most awkward person... Maybe, "whats your name?"

10. Would you ever sky dive or bungee jump?

Hell naw-- im terrified of heights

11. Have you ever been in a first fight?

Haha yes I have-- once because a boy was being mean to my little brother, so I gave him a bloody nose



1) How did you get into Kpop?

2) If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would it be?

3) Do you have any pets?

4) What is your dream job?

5) Which matters more to you?  Money, health or family?

6) Favorite childhood memory? 

7) Favorite desert? Be specific ^^

8)Favorite book? Both childhood and now 

9) How many languages do you know?

10) Describe your ideal outfit

11) Three words to describe yourself with















Thank you!!








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