


Anyone know now any good myungjong fics??


I like crime and detective stuff. I don't mind horror!!

If not, maybe slice of life or time travelling maybe?? XD



thank you!! 


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I sent you a pm with some recommendations :)
official #2
.-. there has been a slight lack of good myungjong fics lately
ive been planning to write this time travel one for a while but never got around to it...
im working on a multichapter myungjong spinoff of aladdin for a contest...should be out in a little bit

i think pretty much everyone has heard of When the Mockingbird Strikes. it's not really my type, and you can kinda tell it's going to end up myungyeol but it's a good story. you're already subscribed to utopia, which seems like a promising story.

silent friendship is one of my favorites (
the one who makes life come to life is also good; i drew some art for it
if the world believed you wicked seems good. i haven't read it yet (

ok i feel like im just listing a bunch of fics that every myungjong stan knows already agh