AFF 5 year anniversary

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Suggestion for Anniversary Post(s)!

by chunlocked  
Posted on Mar 15, 2014 09:52:40
Tags   aff5years  | Report Content

I finally decide to create sort of a big umbrella for any site anniversary creations. It applies to everyone and anyone, graphic makers and layout designers and writers and bloggers alike, so check it!

Your AFF Journey!
Tell us how and when you came across the site, what your first username was (if you remember/if it's not the one you still have) and why you continue to stay. What are some of your favorite things about the site? What's something you would love to see on the site in the future? And any other kind messages you'd like to leave! Create a graphic or a layout dedicated to the anniversary! Write a fictional story about your "adventure" coming to AFF. Whatever it may be, tag your post with #AFF5Years, as that would be the easiest way to track them all, and see if you make new friends this way.

I remember, a long time ago, someone told me the date of the site's anniversary was April 2, but that's right smack in the middle of a why not celebrate for a week? Hey, I do that for my birthday, why not for this? ^-^ I say starting on March 31st, and into the first week of April, we celebrate this momentous occasion with readers, writers, and friends alike. Do this, or whatever you want, for the event, but just remember to tag it with #AFF5Years, so it can be sorted with the rest of the posts. (And do be as nice as you can be...try to not be a buttface and abuse this as an opportunity to bash on the site or other users. Anything malicious can and will be removed, ouo)

Excited to see what people put up! There's still some time left to think of things, and if a really big event pops up, I'm sure there will be a blog post about it somewhere. In the meantime, why not go with this? :D


This sounds like a lot of fun. I know I will do it and I hope you do too!


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