just for fun.

Frosty_Maiden's QUESTIONS !

1. favourite ship and why (give photographic evidence-links-)

if this is how they act in public, behind closed doors o h m y g o d

2. what do you bias someone on, looks, talent or personality?

sungyeol's personality sealed the deal, the ridiculously good looks was the cherry on top.

3. If you got to ask one question to your ultimate bias what would it be?

strip. wait that's a command. don't care :D

4. boxers or y-fronts?

que? boxers?

5. Ever said anything you wish you could take back?

who hasn't?

6. Do you believe the glass is half empty or half full?

half empty cause i'm kind of a pessimist :/

7. Who would like to see perform live?

Infinite AGAIN lord pls make this happen for me

8. If you didn't like Kpop what would you listen too?

a little bit of everything, fall out boy was my favorite before infinite.

9. Play any musical instruments?


10. Ever pretended you understand someone's name even when you didn't?


11. If you saw an idol you like walking about in your town/village/city, and they had no guards and no one recognised them but you...what would you do?

If that idol is Hoya or any other Infinite member I;d approach him and ask him if he's lost (he probably is) and guide him to my bed.        <----hahaha i can't change this from visinel cause it's too perfect.


1. Do you ever regret being into k-pop? Why?
not at all, kpop (specifically infinite) helped me through some of the loneliest times of my life so i can never regret that.

2. What's the craziest thing you would ever do for the one you love?
put my heart on my sleeve and let myself be vulnerable.

3. What's your favourite food?
i'm really into honey walnut shrimp on fried rice these days with a nice passion fruit slushie on the side (china agogo delivery is probably the greatest discovery of las vegas rn)

4. Would you spend a night in a creepy house for 10.000$? (Like images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRzleyWe65PPxSc3kJ1MnJ)
hell to the double no

5. What would you choose between a smart and ugly guy and a handsome, but stupid guy?
if he was smart and we clicked i would find that to be attractive.

6. Would you have if your boyfriend asks you? (you do not want me to list all the things I consider btw.)
already have ;)

7. Why do you like your bias?
anyone who reads my stories knows this lol, and if i start talking about sungyeol's perfection than this will turn into a completely different blog post.

8. What are you doing right now?
attempting to write for the next 'for science' chapter, getting distracted by tumblr and listening to come back home by 2NE1

9. Favourite colour?
seafoam green

10. How many kids do you want to have?
two, one boy and one girl

11. When's your birthday? (mine's tomorrow so wish me a happy birthday guys I'm going to be legal and probably go to jail but eh)
march 7th, and happy birthday i promise i haven't forgotten about your fic it's a work in progress :)


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