Noona neomu yehpuh.

Okay. Second blog. God, I've have no idea what the hell I'm doing. pfft~!

Anyways, just created my third fanfic yesterday. Will continue with it soon after I finish this blog post.

Just woke up *yawns* to a cloudy morning here.

I've been dreaming of SHINee eversince I started doing fanfics, and I always happen to picture myself as the character.

But dreams always comes to an end because I have to wake up for school and whatsoever.

Argh, I hate it but yeah, I always look forward to coming home, lying on the cold, hard yet comfortable floor and do my fanfics.

And tumblr-ing SHINee and other KPOP groups and facebooking and chatting and blah blah blah.

Well, if you want to add me on msn or anything , please feel free to ask. I swear I'm no hacker. I don't even know how to hack into accounts or anything.

Can follow me on tumblr too... its


Oh, if you have any questions , ask at me formspring!

if the link to my formspring is wrong, tell me. hehe.

anyways, i also have a personal blog. i only update when im really really really bored.

okay, so.....

my third fanfic was motivated by my two classmates, both girls. they were the ones who pressurised me into watching SHINee Hello Baby. And yeah, I did because I was so curious as to what it is.

I told them about my fanfic and their eyes bulged. They were interested to know what I wrote, so I gave them the link and they read. Their english is way better than mine, but they said that the story was good. One of them even said she could picture it becoming a movie.

Wow. If it did, I would die right now and then.

Anyways, they both like Taemin but unfortunately, I got Taemin in the story. Sooo.... they have to pick someone else to be their love . Hehe. The whole day yesterday in school, we could not stop talking about it. They were excited when I told them maybe I should include them in the sequel. I wrote on playcards to them their character's situation and they said they simply love it.

So they are looking forward to this third sequel.

I'm looking forward to it too.

And I'm sure you are too. ^-^

Help spread the word about my sequel yeah ?

Do comment back and support.

SHINee Hwaiting !


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