Here we go again

So, after having (hopefully) successfully finished the written part of my final exams (oral exams follow up in June - yey!), I'm back on aff. 


I .... don't really have anything else to say.

I've started a new fiction: I think I'll need more earplugs It's Kyumin and the sequel to the sequel of one of my other stories.

Oh, and I joined some other fandoms over the past few... months (?) So if there are any Supernatural (Destiel), Merlin (Merthur) and/or Teen Wolf (Sterek) fans around, feel free to fangirl together with me.

Look at this! There was something else to say. O.O

That's it. I'm glad to be back, and thanks to everyone who wished me good luck for my exams! ^.^


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