Day #0 In The Kpop Closet

So, due to unfortunate events I've had to come to the decision to pretend that I don't like kpop to my family and (all by one) real life friends.

I know I'm giving up, because you all must know how hard being a kpop fan is unless you live in one of those countries that has kpop as a wide spread interest. If you live in one of those countries, you don't know how lucky you are.


So I've been pretty upset for a long time because of people constantly making fun of me and my interests everywhere I go, at college, at home, even by random people that I've never met before. At college whenever I am trying to watch an MV in peace there will be a constant string of insults and sly digs and nasty comments coming from behind me. I thought that I could just come home and listen in peace, I don't play my music loudly, I play it quietly so that nobody but me can hear but I still get from my mum and brother.

I used to be so close to my mum but now she upsets me all of the time. Just the other day she gave me this big fat speech that still makes me upset thinking about it now. She told me that her and my brother are just hoping and praying for the day where I 'get out of this phase', she told me that I'm immature, a child, acting like a 12 year old being obsessed with music, she told me that everybody else acts normal and I'm still being a kid. She told me that I'm awful to talk to, that she doesn't want to talk to me any more because I snap at her whenever she makes a comment about my music. She said that I've become closed minded and won't even give anything else a chance, that kpop has consumed my life.


A) how many of you are over 12? I bet most of you are. Since when was liking kpop a child's thing?

B) I watch anime, the vampire diaries, american horror story, many other tv shows, listen to other music as well, read books and whever somebody I know asks me to watch/read/listen to something that they like I DO IT FOR THEM! I am one of the only people that I know who will actually listen to a song that someone's suggested for them til the end, even if I may not like it, because it's important to the other person! God, and she calls me closed minded?

C) I only snap at you MOTHER when you kept saying over and over again 'Everybody's , Everybody's ' when you know I love it.


So, because of this, I don't feel like I can talk to her any more, I don't feel like I can be myself anywhere so I've taken my posters down, put my CD's in a drawer, changed my backgrounds and ring tones and given away all of my RP accounts. From now on, I'm not going to utter a word to anybody in real life about my love for kpop any more. It's too hard. All of the closed minded people are destroying my life, I feel guilty for listening to the music I love so now the only place I can be open is here.

This is the first entry to what will be my kpop closet diary. I know it's going to be hard at times but maybe one day I will be able to easily conceal it. At least I'll be going to university in September so it's half a year until I can be myself again. 


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sayahyuga #1
That's not right to do that to someone just because they enjoy it. To me I would not hide what I'm passionate about, instead I would flaunt it. And for those who want to make side comments that are totally uncalled for I would dare them to say it to my face. That's how I would handle it. But sweety there is nothing more beautiful and inspiring than a person who is different and doesn't back down no matter who they are up against. I am always talked about because of me liking Asian culture and music , whether it's ppl at school or family, and even friends, but you just need to show them that they can't take away something you love just because they find it strange. So blast your music, sing in Korean knowing that the ppl around have no idea what you're saying,dance. Just let everything go and don't be bond to society's rules. And for your mom ask her if she just followed the instructions of society and gave up something she loved. Don't hide, don't back down,never let someone take away what's important to you, ever. Your friends here and me will support ya!!!
hi dear, I'm sad to hear this but I'm not surprised! I lived something similar and I understand you.
(I live in Romania, somewhere in Europe x D) When I heard for the fist time about K-POP... it was one of the happiest day of my live, it's been 8 years since I've been a really crazy Cassiopeia and I'm so proud! I used to have "friends" who told me I'm crazy and it's funny 'coz I am but that is a different subject :D.
The thing is, you should be proud of you, you like things that lot's of people like, it's true that in Europe and some other countries, things like K-Pop and manga, anime and Asian dramas are something strange... so What? And to be honest, your family is really shellfish, they should support you and be proud of who you are... And I don't know how old are you but I'm 25 and I like all of this "strange" thinks and I still go to work and I still act like a normal human ...
I should stop, I tend to speak a lot when I'm upset ... I just want to tell you, that all those who don't understand you or at least try to, are really shellfish ... So, just be you, be proud of who you are 'coz I'm sure you are a normal person and a really good one.
Manny kisses and a big hug!
ninabulett #3
I never knew that in some countries liking kpop is embarassing, didn't even cross my mind..*-*
I live in asia, so kpop is pretty much a common thing here..
You can always talk to us dear, I wish I could help you more..please don't give up something that makes you happy, I hope later when you get to the college you'll find friends who are also into kpop, at least people who are fine with it.
Knowing that you have to hide like this is upsetting me too, ugh what's wrong with people..-_-
Talk to us whenever you sad, okay? Kpopers are friends right? XD
Here, a virtual hug for you..(>^-^)>
O.M.G. I am really sorry to say this but your family and everyone else who is putting you through this is being VERY judgmental and they are SO WRONG for doing that to you!!!! I get made fun of by everyone too. My parents make fun of me but it's not very bad like your situation. I live in the USA in Pennsylvania so I know what it's like to live in a world without kpop. Those other countries are so lucky!! I'm sorry you feel like you need to do this, you really shouldn't have to. Everyone has hobbies and interests. It doesn't matter that yours is different. I know you've made your decision but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't deprive yourself of the things you love. Because I don't like reading things like this I want to see you writing about how happy you are. Life gets tough but just remember I'm here for you and you have lots of love here. I love your fics but I love you as a person even more. So please don't be scared to reach out to me. Here, on social media, phone, chat. You're not alone and are never alone.

And BTW I'm 24 years old and will be 25 this year and I spazz and freak out as much as I want and when people look at me weird I just say " it I'm happy go be jealous" xD

And I LOVE anime too!!!! Omggg *otaku mode*

Anyways I won't write too much here. I know you're upset right now but keep holding on.

DON'T give up your happiness because someone else thinks or says it's wrong. Even if you feel like you need to hide it. Your oasis is here with us then :)