( yeah it's already 5 years uhm throws confetti )

Wow okay so apparently today is AFF's fifth year anniversary (and my second year anniversary o welp), and I just want to do something special so here you go uhm

How I came across this site?

I'm not really sure, but I think it was the 'fanfiction days'. I was relatively new to Super Junior (after all those years I considered them as gay) (I am so sorry), and I started googling things like 'Super Junior fanfiction' and found a couple of fanfiction blogs. After a few days of blogwalking, an author stated that she 'moved to asianfanfics and that the rest of her works can be found there' with her being my current favorite author (and also I was really, really bored), I clicked on her AFF profile. With me being unsure about how things work on AFF (tags? marked as H? what the you have to be 18 to view this story? help!), I joined after hours of strolling through 'yewook' tags and found the stories there are decent enough.

What was my first username?

MissAubrey (okay that's it no one's laughing) (holding up a gun up your nose IF YOU DARE LAUGH-)
If anyone wonders why (probably no one will), Aubrey was the first pseudonym I created for my internet life. I got it from RandomGenerator.org or something like that. At this point it was clear that I have a y childhood. Let's just not talk about this anymore.

Why do I stay?

Because. Because AFF is my home. I started a lot of things here. I started writing (no, it was not good and yes, I was so proud of it back then), I started roleplaying, and even started my own roleplay. While the majority of my friends cluelessly surf the web with nothing to do, I was a full-on internet junkie by the time I reached 8th grade. I was actively wrting stories and in a few different roleplays, and the first thing I do when at home is to check on AFF. Note that this is when twitter and facebook rules the very life of a teenager. I was that hooked. 

AFF told me a lot. How to behave on the internet, how not to freak out and smash the keyboard everytime someone compliments your story (I still haven't master this. Apoidhnspofiudshfds), how to roleplay, how to spend time on the internet other than looking for celebrity , how to not give up on yourself and always learn from others. Really, there are a lot of things AFF taught me and it will be a bore to read them all. 

And also, I stay for my friends (even though most of them ALREADY LEFT-). The friends I got from roleplaying, from pure stalking, hey-i-like-your-username-let's-be-friends friends, indonesian friends (shoutout @ u all we r awesome). Without AFF, I wouldn't even know that we can be friends from someone from a different timezone. 

Some of my favorite things about this site?

The fact that you can start from knowing literally nothing about how to write an entire story in your second language and ended up writing a long- essay in the said language with amazing fluidity (not THAT fluid) (but I like to tell myself that I am) (I'm sorry). You can learn how to write, photoshop, make layouts. You can learn how to ( ha ha ha ha ) and knowing different genres of a story. You learn characerization and grammar. Basically things your English teacher refuse to teach you 'cause it takes too long time.

A message-

Dear Jason and everyone on this site. Thank you for staying in this community! Even though the fics nowadays are mostly ~*~*vAMPIRes and WeRewOLVES~*~* and full of other cliche nonsense, I still love this place. Someday, someday I may grow out of K-Pop and roleplaying and writing fics, but the memory of it will always own a special place in my kokoro < 3 much love to you all.




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Aww this was so sweet *^*
If you don't mind, I would like to put your story in my story of stories....

did you understand that? Lol

I'm compiling all of the aff5years stories, and I want to be sure if it's okay to post yours?
There will be a link leading to your original blog post and of course, your username will be visible ^^
congratulation btw o u o;
/laughs at ur first uname bcs i can.

awhhh bb, aku cmn 2 years twerkin here eue