I get banned

Here is a story of mine. . .


Yesterday when I read something about Stop SOPA, I immediately share the link through my facebook. Not only on my facebook, but also I shared it to SNSD fanpages, but it turned out I got banned by a certain famous SNSD fanpage. I couldn't like or comment to every post that they updated.


At first, I was asking myself, why I can't comment or like their posts if before I could? Then, I google about it, and turned out I got banned.


Well, I posted that Stop SOPA thingy just to make people aware of the after effect if SOPA really happen. I am done with this. Thank you so much a-famous-fanpage-I-can't-mention-the-name.


Have a good day guys,

And oh, don't share it to any SNSD fanpage, you might get banned too. .  lol


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TheMightyFall #1
I only shared it on facebook... I won't get banned right? ; u ;
Try check their rules, maybe they already stated about why and what make them banned people
Whoa! That was a rude of them. The admins should given you a warning or they should pm you first or made a comment on your post. That just.... (((o(>_<)o)))
Well that doesn't make any sense... Unless the fanpage is really strict about stuff that is totally unrelated to SNSD...
Whoa why would they ban you?
Woah.....Well that dad