
Hi~ I have nothing to do so I'll just bore you with a conversation I had with my friend yesterday.

Friend: "If you were going to a deserted island, what would you take with you?"
Friend continues "I'd take a boat, so I can get back home. Eternal supply of ice cream, If I have ice cream then I'm okay"

"What would you take?" Friend asks

Me: "Hmmm, A boat, so I can get back home. Eternal supply of food/drinks, so that I could eat..." (Btw talk about similar we are ^^;;) "....And I'll take A LOT of hot korean guys, just so that I won't get bored"

Friend gasps "True!" And laughs

Then later I started thinking, (Like I don't usually do or what? >w<) Would I want to go from this island (when I had the boat I mean)? If I had these things, wouldn't I be happy? I though more... if I was able to take the hot korean guys with me.... Wouldn't I have them before I left? Then why would I leave? Couldn't I just stay there with my hot korean men?

And if I must choose which I'd thow away, I'd probably choose the boat...right? OR would I choose to throw away the food supply? 'Cause there would probably be food there on the island and if I were to get bored (which I probably won't but anyways...) I could just take the boat and drive home with my korean hot men...

What would you choose to take? :D What do you think would be the smartest choice for me?


I hope I didn't bore you too much with this, sorry if it did.. ^^;;, It's just me thinking about strange things....


Just a note: Me and my friend talked about this while we were on our way to our japanese lesson, eating ice cream in atleast -6 degrees ehe~


BTW me and my friends are going to wach a dancing festival/competition tomorrow! And I'm so exited! *I just can't hide it* -.-'' hehe~ <3


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Sevaouna #1
HAhAH I love our conversations ;P