Hello and Attention Everyone!

.....How are you guys? c:

I know it's been quite a while and I crazily made a new story, but I can't help it. I am too into bangtan & infinite that I can't think anymore because of their perfection. /sobs/ Anyway the reason for my non ending hiatus is because I am just too busy. It's my last year of high school and I know I have so much freedom and nothing to worry about! 


Last week, projects from my classes were thrown at me left and right, also, ahaha college has been stressing me out, and by that I mean I am overthinking. I have dealt with anxiety and paranoia since the end of 2012 ; I really don't know why. It's maybe because my grade in my most important class dropped two grades down over a pitiful assignment. Just last year.....was quite a horrible experience, but I got through it. It's funny though, I haven't even started college yet, but here I am for the past three years of my life worrying about my future and career.

I just want to be on tumblr all day and watch kdramas until I pass out, but life will never be like that. xD I will be back soon and hopefully I can actually write because when I do, I stop after five minutes. I don't want to say that I have officially given up writing, but it's....difficult. I don't know, I had a passion for writing and I was going to pursue it as a career, but I wasn't interested anymore. I hope in the next few months, that my passion will be back. c:

Recently, I have also been falling out with kpop, not a group or two, but in general. I only focus on the golden five in my list, Infinite, Bangtan, Block B, B.A.P, & Topp Dogg. Well, six if you count Cnblue.~ I have been more of a khiphop & r&b lover since last year so yeah hehe! Don't worry, kpop will always stay with me, it has been with me ever since I was 14 and now that I am almost 18 in less than a month, I am not stopping now. 

I am always on tumblr so if any of my lovely friends / readers want to contact me, you can message me here or simply go to nawonn.tumblr.com. c; 

I hope all of you are doing well and I hope you all will have a beautiful day. c: 

Have a nice gif I made of bangtan! ^-^ 

I love you all and I will be back! 

(P.S Mblaq's & 100%'s new songs are AMAZING!) 



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